One question I am often asked is “Are you related to THE Laura Ingalls Wilder?” The answer is a happy “Yes.” My great~ great grandfather, Lansford “James” Ingalls, and Pa (Laura’s father), Charles Ingalls, were brothers. This page lists all of the Little House posts I have written over the years.
Little House
Simply click on the words or the images to be taken to each post.

For the holiday season I created three special videos in which I read various Christmas and winter stories.

Reveal of the Becoming Laura Costume Challenge
A presentation at the National Cowgirl Museum. My son, Ian Charles Ingalls Gunn, on the right.
The Inspirational Faith of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House in the Big Woods Christmas Kitchen
Little House Holiday Breakfast
A Little House Christmas Dinner
Little House Christmas Tree and Decor
Big Woods and Log Cabin Throw Pillows
Pioneer Posts
Hats, Bonnets, and Headdresses In The Pioneer Era
Pioneer Shoes, Stockings and Gloves
Undergarments Worn By Pioneers
The Inspiration for the 1880s Traveling Suit
Patchwork Fabric Covered Hangers
Little House on the Prairie The Musical
“It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder