UPDATE: The random number generator has selected Rebecca Girgenti as the winner. Congratulations! Hello sweet friends. As many of you know I am currently practicing 40 Days of Kindness on my Instagram account. On this most joyful of days I thought it would be wonderful to give away a few items of spring bliss. Here's to a Happy Go Lucky Giveaway. Kindness Counts One company that I admire for its kindness is Modern Prairie. You can find a wonderfully kind community on the Modern ... View the Post
My Costumes Are Now In A Museum
Hello sweet friends, Happy New Year's Eve! I thought long and hard about what my last post of the year should be. To fully encompass what 2024 has meant to me is hard to put into words. As many of you know it has truly been the hardest of years for me healthwise as well as our home seemingly breaking down all at once. But there was so much joy and goodness that happened in between. Much of it is owed to what I like to call Little House magic. It has now all culminated in My Costumes Are Now In A ... View the Post
A Fall Picnic With Fashionable Friends
This past Saturday the sun was shining and glorious autumn had arrived. So I took some very much-needed time off. It was the perfect day for A Fall Picnic With Fashionable Friends. A Fall Picnic With Fashionable Friends The Georgian picnic is an annual event hosted Dallas Fort Worth Costumers Guild. Attendees are invited to dress in fashions from the Georgian era. This time period spans from 1714 to 1837 and covered the reigns of George I, II, III and IV. Becky and Liz beautifully ... View the Post
Laura’s Holiday Cape
Hello sweet friends. After months of warm weather, it has suddenly turned cold. It has been raining for the past 3 days here at Storybook Cottage. Soon a season of merriment will be upon us. This made me think about Laura's Holiday Cape. On The Banks Of Plum Creek One of my favorite holiday stories can be found in the book On The Banks Of Plum Creek. Laura and her family travel to town for a special evening event at the church. Laura is delighted as she sees a Christmas tree for the first ... View the Post
Jonathan Corwin House 1692 Salem
This past August my daughter and I took a trip to the upper east coast. I've been saving the Jonathan Corwin House 1692 Salem to share with you today. Jonathan Corwin House 1692 Salem This home was built in 1675. It was the residence of Judge Jonathan Corwin in 1692. It is the only original dwelling still standing in Salem that has a direct connection to the trials. In case you missed my Salem 1692 Martha Ingalls Allen Carrier post you may want to start there. The home is ... View the Post
Salem 1692 Martha Ingalls Allen Carrier
Greetings and salutations my dear friends. As many of my longtime readers know every October I create an elaborate multi-layered costume. This year is a bit different. The clothing created was not a costume per se, but several historical garments that were made based on two years of research. This year I bring you Salem 1692 Martha Ingalls Allen Carrier. Salem 1692 Martha Ingalls Allen Carrier So who is Martha Ingalls Allen Carrier? Let's begin with a bit of genealogy. Martha is my ... View the Post
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