Hello sweet friends! How is your holiday decorating going? The one color that I have carried out throughout our home this year brings Sunday Smiles A Touch Of Red.
Love these printable vintage Christmas postcards.
Sunday Smiles A Touch Of Red
The beautiful simplicity in this European style kitchen is so inspiring.
The Cutest Desert
These Gnome cookie cups begin with store bought dough and look so yummy and cute!
When You Don’t Really Love Red
County Road 407 shares how to incorporate Christmas red when you really don’t love it.
Whimsical Gingerbread Tablescape
This gingerbread tablescape is absolutely darling. It started with little homes found at Goodwill.
Coming Up
I’ll be back on Wednesday with a home tour of Storybook Cottage.
Candlelight Christmas
Next weekend I will be a vendor at the upcoming Candlelight Christmas event at the Dallas Heritage Village (Old City Park) on December 10th and 11th. Come by the Stitchin’ Addiction booth to say hello and peruse Victorian dresses, aprons, toys and more.
I hope you have a lovely Sunday.
A Little Women Holiday Series
Jo’s Scribbling Cap & Crafting Mini Artbooks
A Little Women Holiday Inspired Mantel
Little Women Inspired Christmas Craft
Beth’s Basket and Domestic Experiences
I love getting lost in your Sunday Smiles, Laura! Thank you. I’ve also been enjoying your themed Little Women Christmas posts.
Good Morning! Hope you are Mr Decor are enjoying a lovely early December weekend.
So many pretty links to pages with festive inspiration. I am liking the low key decorative style and thoroughly embracing it this year.
The Graphic Fariy’s pages are always so much fun to look through and find the perfect images. She is so kind and generous with her graphics.
Thank you for sharing and stay safe dear friend! 🙂
Love your Sunday smiles and I’m enjoying your Little Women series. Jo’s writing cap is always a favorite for me.
Look forward to your home tour!
Hello! Love the Little Women theme, especially for Christmas. My little granddaughter, age 9 helped me prepare and decorate for a Christmas Tea for her mom, grandma, myself and my daughter. Oh what fun we had! The evening before our “tea”, I introduced her to the Little Women movie, starring Winona Ryder. Didn’t know if she would enjoy it, but she did! She followed the characters and asked questions. I loved it! Thank you for bringing the simplicity of the past into blogland.
I can’t get over how beautiful you look in costume! Seriously, so beautiful. Thank you for sharing my “bleh for red” home. It’s growing on me but next year I bet there won’t be a stitch of red anywhere. :0 And oh my golly, those gnome cookie cups – say whaaat?! Hope you are enjoying your holiday season. Merry Christmas Laura!