It’s no secret that this year’s Senior class is getting shortchanged. Like so many other events most graduation ceremonies and proms have been canceled. It is understandable that this is a major disappointment for teens and parents alike. In the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely the right thing to do. I myself and many others look back upon these milestones with great fondness. Years later I can still easily recall the joy and happiness that these special occasions held. Holding on to a small experience feels precious and important right now. Even with prom canceled it doesn’t mean one can’t celebrate another fairly new teenage experience. This is the Funny Girl Promposal.
Funny Girl Promposal
Let’s start with an explanation in case you aren’t familiar with the term.
- PROMPOSAL: a special presentation that accompanies asking someone to be your date to the prom.
I know for many of you who have read DTA since its inception 13 years ago it’s hard to believe that the kindergartner previously known as Sweet Boy has know grown into Sweet Guy. You enjoy reading about his milestones that we choose to share.
It’s also a time when we just need to see GOOD THINGS and to have HOPE.
So even though Sweet Guy will not have a prom he did want to give his Sweet Gal the cherished experience of a PROMPOSAL.
Choosing A Theme
A quick spin on Pinterest and you find that ideas for Promposals number in the 1000’s.
Sweet Guy wanted a creative and original idea.
Sweet Gal LOVES to watch old movies. Just a few weeks ago she introduced Sweet Guy to one of her all-time favorite movies, Funny Girl.
Sweet Gal mentioned that if she could go to prom she would like to recreate and wear the iconic purple dress created by Oscar award-winning costume designer Irene Sharaff. It was worn by the multi-talented Barbra Streisand in her first film role as the iconic Fanny Brice. She would go on to win Best Actress for the performance. The first of her several well deserved Oscars.
Sweet Guy’s Prom theme seemingly fell into his lap.
As for HOW TO ASK the question, the film features several, now famous, catch-phrases.
I assisted Sweet Guy in looking through the 1000’s of movie-related images.
He found his favorites that he thought she would also like. Then set about creating an artistic poster board.
Sharp Dressed Man
As for what to wear the classic film is set in the Edwardian Era. We didn’t have a suit for that but Mr. Decor did have a Victorian Era suit. It would help transform Sweet Guy into the dashing Nicky Arnstein, played by the amazing Omar Sharif.
In addition to his sign we decided he should also hold a plateful of onion rolls topped with a bagel.
He was ready for his close-up!
People Who Need People
A bit of background music was also needed. There were many fabulous songs on the Funny Girl soundtrack. But the Grammy Hall of Fame winning song PEOPLE was the most fitting. It is simply perfect for the time RIGHT NOW.
As we are all sheltering in place we asked Sweet Gal’s mom for permission to visit their front door. I couldn’t resist capturing the sweet moment on film.
Keep love, joy, and HOPE in your hearts.
Notes on Safety: I would like to mention that both my son and his Sweet Gal did not initially leave the house for over three weeks. This, of course, is well PAST the time of quarantine recommended by the CDC. We are now in week four of sheltering in place. Both her mother and I each maintained a 6ft distance apart from the kids. At just four people we were far below the maximum of the 10 people gathering rule. We left very soon after.
No masks?! I re-read this hoping her image was virtual. I can’ t believe her mother allowed her to step out the front door. I sure hope they stay well.
Thank you for your concern Teddee Grace. Both my son and his Sweet Gal did not initially leave the house for over three weeks. We are now in week four. This, of course, is well PAST the time of quarantine recommended by the CDC. Both her mother and I each maintained a 6ft distance apart from the kids. At just four people we were well below the maximum of 10 people gathering rule. We left very soon after.
What a gracious response!
I adore this so much. Partly because Funny Girl is one of my all-time favorite, forever, desert island movies. And I love the originality and the joy of it. I’d love to see her in a dress like that but I’m quite sure she’s never had a promposal like that before — or again! (Your sweet guy is VERY handsome!)
A man who will watch musicals with you is the best kind of man. A man who will sing to you from them – jackpot! Believe me, I know. I hope all these cancelled events can take place sometime!
Well Laura I think you must get busy making that dress. I know you can do it. And very sweet.
This is so precious. Maybe they can have their own prom in the backyard and dance the night away.
Oh be still my heart ❤️ I have never seen “Funny Girl”. Sounds like a movie my mom and I may need to watch together
I loved this and thank you for sharing! This just brought such a happy moment for me, vicariously. What sweet young people !!! And, they were generous to share their moment. Thank you again!
Sweet guy is as handsome as he is thoughtful and kind. What a unique, clever idea! ~ carol
That was so sweet!
Hi Laura, This is very cute. I thought the response of your son’s girlfriend was delightful. She made me smile throughout the entire video. It is too bad all the senior moments will be missed this year. I hope all of yours take care and stay healthy and happy. Joan
It is sad that kids today get so wrapped-up in such trivial things as making an instagram worthy prom proposal! Remember when seniors in HS were considers mature potential leaders of the future???