Today I am 40. You Are Cordially Invited. You Are Cordially Invited I had written this post a few days ago before learning of my dad's passing. A big celebration had been in the works by my children that I truly considered canceling. My sister in law Melody, who lives here in town, said, "Laura, don't cancel. Norm LOVED a party and I REALLY need a drink." (Who can argue with that?) As my husband is currently overseas and will not return for awhile, it is actually comforting to me that ... View the Post
Come With Me To The Sea
Yesterday I hosted a luncheon. The theme was "Come With Me to the Sea". It has been 110+ here in Phoenix so I thought that we could be transported to a cooler climate if only for an afternoon. Come With Me To The Sea. Here is my living room decked out in summer white slipcovers. (They will change to a Tuscan red in the fall.) Come With Me To The Sea To the left of the room, there is normally a small antique chest that my husband bought while living in England. It is currently being ... View the Post
Favorite Recipe’s and Cookbooks
Miss Sandy from Quill Cottage is hosting an "I Remember Laura" blog~a~thon. This week she is asking for Favorite Recipe's and Cookbooks. Of course one of the most famous recipes from LIW herself is a gingerbread recipe. Laura's Ingalls Wilder Gingerbread 1 cup brown sugar blended with 1/2 cup lard or other shortenings. Add 1 cup molasses mixed well with this.2 teaspoons baking soda in 1 cup boiling water (Be sure cup is full of water after the foam is run off into cake ... View the Post
Gold Flatware
Gold Flatware. This morning I sit here writing to you while drinking my tea out of the loveliest of cups. Yesterday our postman brought me a package from Miss Sandy of Quill Cottage. I had won her most recent giveaway. Can I tell you what joy and memories this brought to me? Gold Flatware The package included a lovely plate with a Sevres porcelain image, and a delightful cup and saucer featuring a thatched roof cottage to remind me of my trips to England. There was also a small sweet ... View the Post
Peep Party Cup
Peep Party Cup. Every Easter I try to make my wee special peeps something special. With the current economy, I tried finding inspiration at the dollar store. The Dollar Store Supply List Paper party cups and crepe streamers in the party section. $2.00 The pipe cleaners were in automotive. ??? $1.00 Shredded crinkle paper in the gift wrap section. $1.00 I had the lace, ribbon, glue, and vintage paper posies and peeps at home. But I did see new peeps and silk flowers at the ... View the Post
Springtime Soiree Party Favors
Springtime Soiree Party Favors. This spring I will be attending a few gatherings and parties as well as hosting one. I needed 24 swap gifts for an upcoming luncheon and decided to share the sweet scents of springtime by creating lavender sachets. Springtime Soiree Party Favors I found 25 muslin bags on Etsy and stamped a sweet tweet onto the front of each bag. (You can use any type of stamp, but make sure your ink works well on cloth.) Each bag received a teacup full of dried ... View the Post