Hello sweet friends! Like many of you, I have curtailed my intake of clickbait news and am focusing on good things. Let’s hear it for Friday Favorites Sprinkle Kindness
Out Of The Box Decorating
Want to take your bathroom from basic to over the top? This post has so many interesting ideas!
Rosewater Soap
I am attending a Galentine’s brunch and would love to make these sweetly smelling soaps to pass out to my friends.
Vintage Valentine Decor Ideas
So many pretty Valentine vignette ideas can be found in this post.
Friday Favorites Sprinkle Kindness
This yummy donut is is such a fun Valentine’s Day idea for co workers. Get the printable tag HERE.
UPDATE: Try this printable link if the other does not work for you!
An Enchanting Stone Cottage
This sweet nineteenth-century stone cottage in Pembrokeshire is truly charming. Lush layers are artfully placed.
In Case You Missed It
Disney Heroes & Villians Costume Collection
Have a wonderful weekend!