Hello sweet friends this is a very special edition of Friday Favorites Go Mean Green.
Sixteen years ago, in the spring of 2008, I shared a post titled The Next Jackson Pollock. This marked the debut of my Sweet Boy on the Decor To Adore website. The article featured one of the bi-weekly art lessons I gave to his kindergarten class.
Friday Favorites Go Mean Green
Tomorrow that kindergarter, Ian Charles Ingalls Gunn, will graduate with honors. Now known as Sweet Guy, he will cross the stage to accept his bachelor degree in Business Administration and Financial Planning.
Photo by Michael Roberts
Many of you know that Ian was our miracle baby. He was born three years after we were told that we would never have children. The entire pregnancy was very difficult. He came into the world a month early and had some complications.
One of which was that Ian was non-verbal for the first three and half years of his life. Hours upon hours were spent in speech therapy. Then, one day, he just decided to begin speaking in full sentences.
There were also several bumps in his educational road. I now smile thinking about Ian ending up in the principals office the first week of kindergarten. But man, was it mortifying all those years ago!
One challenge was that Ian would complete his schoolwork completely and correctly in a manner of minutes while other kids would take the full hour allowed. A little boy with all that time on his hands was an absolute recipe for disaster.
But he would eventually take flight in a beautiful way.
Ian was moved to honors classes and given additional packets of schoolwork and reading that kept his mind and hands occupied.
He also became involved in various activities that gave his unending energy a positive outlet. He excelled in Scouts and went on to become an Eagle.
Taking Flight
I am so grateful to the many dedicated educators and volunteers who made a wonderful difference in Ian’s life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Because of you and your dedicated compassion, Ian has learned to soar.
(Making the sign of the talon.)
Knowing that tomorrow will be an absolute convocation of eagles wearing their Mean Green plummage Ian and I went to his campus late last week to take these photos.
It was a freezing cold day with temperatures in the 30s. Occassionly, a biting wind would come gusting through. I was so happy that he made me laugh so I wouldn’t cry.
On Eagles Wings
I kept it together until one brief moment when he posed as he so often did as a little boy ~ with one foot slightly turned inward.
He hasn’t done that in years.
In that moment all the precious memories came flying back. My heart soared and whispered “I am so glad that we made this journey together.”
Congratulations Ian. I am so very proud of you.
Thank You Dear Friends
Sweet friends,
This will be my last post until the 2024 roundup in late December. After an incredibly busy year I am looking forward to taking some time away to celebrate Ian and soak up every moment of the holiday season with friends and family.
There is a good chance I will post on either my business or personal Instagram accounts.
I am tremendously thankful for your friendship. You bless me in ways that are so precious and beautiful.
From a grateful heart, thank you.
In Case You Missed It
This Weeks Video
While photos are lovely you can see even more details in this week’s video.
If you wish to view the video in a larger format just click on the black box in the lower left hand corner that says Watch on YouTube.
Laura, I am all misty after reading this post! (I am waiting for a Zoom call. I will have to stay off camera!) How lovely a post to commemorate your Sweet Boy’s journey! Congratulations to him, to you, and to Mr. Decor for such success on that journey. I know the road was not made to make it easy.
Congratulations to your Sweet Boy – and what a heartwarming story! Wishing him continued success!
Congratulations to Ian! I loved hearing his story.
Laura, thank you for telling us your story. Yes, if we are honest, we all have stories, some we feel comfortable in telling, some still hurt to much…and it is too soon. …but there are still stories. I’m not sure any of us have lived a complete charmed life. Bless your Ian and all your family. I, too had to smile when I saw his foot turned inward because one of my twins did the same thing. Long story but suffice it to say, I understand. Best wishes for this Holiday Season as we remember the reason for the season. Our Saviour was born. Hugs Always.
What a beautiful, heartwarming story, Laura. Thank you for sharing your journey with your sweet son. Congratulations to Ian, and to you and Eric for being the amazing, wonderful parents you are. You are such a sweet blessing in my life. Wishing you and your family a wonderful, blessed holiday season. Hugs and much love, Vicki
I love speech success stories….especially because my oldest daughter has her own. (Apraxia diagnosis…not outgrown, but some overcome it…and she did.)
Oh the memories! And the flood that comes with a turned foot!
Congratulations, Ian! Wings up, soar high!
This has to be my favorite “Friday Favorite”. Yes…I got misty eyed. I guess he really had nothing to say, those first years! This is a Wonderful way to end 2024. Congratulations to Ian and to You and Mr. Decor . This was not just Ian’s journey. Great parenting.
May you all have a beautiful, wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!!!
What a wonderful expression of God’s love and miracles. Blessings to you all. Life is indeed a journey. Seeing our children grow to maturity and adulthood… even beyond, is not an easy task. Enjoy your Christmas Season with your family!!
Three cheers and five stars to Ian! And, I might add, to his parents because few, if any, kids grow up and conquer those challenges without some wonderful support at home. He’s a handsome young man and it seems like just yesterday that he started college. Hats off and up in the air! And what a beautifully written post. Well done, Mom!