Hello dear friends! Where did May go? I want to joke that it was spent either dealing with contractors and hanging out in closets waiting for tornados to pass. It has been QUITE the season! Now summer will soon be here. This month always makes me think of a quote from one of my favorites books. So here I bring you Saturday Smiles Always June.
Saturday Smiles Always June
The good news is that we have just one more thing to complete in the master bathroom. Since it isn’t an issue that will delay photography I will have a reveal post next week.
Did you know that the Royal Family also just completed a bathroom remodel? Several in fact. The Castle of Mey in Scotland was purchased by the Queen Mother in 1952. Prince Charles has decided to share the Granary Lodge on the estate with the public by transforming it into a lovely Bed and Breakfast.
Another Royal Wedding
Last Saturday another Royal Wedding was held last Saturday. Lady Gabriella Windsor, daughter. of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent married Thomas Kingston today at Windsor Castle. Prince Michael is a first cousin to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Many of you had written to ask if I would be covering the wedding. Royal wedding posts generally take me on average 8 hours to research and write so sadly I will not. But this post was quite good.
Chelsea Garden Show
The Chelsea Garden Show was held last week, May 21-25. The world’s best garden designers create a beautiful series of show gardens. This year’s theme highlighted how gardens can help with healing, bringing calm, and restoring the environment.
June is widely known as the peach season. I cannot wait to make this Homemade Raspberry Peach Lemonade.
Rocket Man
Our family has seen Sir Elton John in concert twice and we would all go again. His music is regularly played in our homes and on our iPods. Indeed I wrote about one concert we attended in 2010.
So it should come as no surprise that we wore our best feather boas and sunglasses to see Rocketman on opening day. Run, don’t walk, in your Electric Boots to see this amazing movie.
Enjoy the weekend!
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Good afternoon, a wonderful post. I did go read the post about the wedding, it was beautiful and informative. I cannot wait to make your lemonade, it looks refreshing.
Thank you for the tip about Rocketman, I cannot wait to see it.
I just read yesterday that the actor who portrayed Elton John ACTUALLY did the singing in the movie. Elton himself said that he’s never heard anyone else sing his music as well as this young man. I haven’t seen it yet, but certainly plan to. I’m 77 years old and Elton John’s music has been playing in my heart and in my head for many, many years.
Little known fact about me, The Happy Wonderer. In 1975 Dear and I attended the Elton John concert at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles sitting in the press box with Elton John’s mother and others. We were friends with his office manager in London and this office manager and his wife flew to the U.S. for this concert and stayed with us so we had VIP tickets to park and sit in the press box.