I recently joined a few of my fellow costuming enthusiasts from the D/FW Costumers Guild to view a collection of Amazing Cinema Costumes used in various films. The Cut! Costume and the Cinema exhibit is currently on view at the Arlington Museum of Art.
Amazing Cinema Costumes
The exhibit contains 43 costumes that represent five centuries of fashion and dress.
The Phantom of the Opera pink ball gown, designed by Alexandra Byrnetook, my breath away.
A true showstopper was from Land of The Blind. The First Lady Josephine costume was worn by Lara Flynn Boyle. The amazing dress was created by Phoebe de Gaye.
I cannot even begin to tell how scrumptious the yards and yards of red silk were in person.
Details, Details
To be able to closely view the exquisite details found in these costumes was a delight.
Scarlett Johansson’s costume for character Olivia Wenscombe in The Prestige.
I wanted to touch this embroidered waistcoat, worn by Natalie Portman in Goya’s Ghost, so bad that I had to hide my hands.
I learned that antique pieces, such as lace, are often incorporated into new costumes. This is something that I also do. But nowhere near on this level.
This blush colored dress was worn by Nicole Kidman in The Portrait of a Lady.
The lace and beadwork was simply exquisite.
I loved the research provided in the section featuring undergarments. Which truly do make or break the look of a gown.
Men’s Costuming
There were also costumes for men in the exhibit. Including the iconic pirate Jack Sparrow.
Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr’s Sherlock Holmes costumes. Set in 1890 the costumes were created by Jenny Beavan.
The traveling exhibit runs through August 12th. Perhaps it will be near your home next.
Oh my word, these are all so stunning. The detail is amazing on these gowns.
What a gorgeous exhibit! I love the intricate detail.
Laura, all I can say is WOW! The skill is absolutely amazing and every single one is stunning! I know you thoroughly enjoyed yourself. Truly, I don’t know how you did manage not to touch!
Beautiful Laura…I have been thinking that perhaps I was born in the wrong era…..those dresses with the big bustle could certainly hide a lot of body flaws, couldn’t they?
There aren’t enough superlatives to say how I feel about these costumes and their detail. Thank you for sharing, Laura. I can appreciate the level of excitement you must have felt seeing these! The only thing better would be being able to wear them!
What scrumptious eye candy! Thank you!
I saw this exhibit several years ago when it was in Omaha , NE. I agree, they are exquisite!
I saw many of these costumes last summer when they were on Cape Cod. So gorgeous in person. And you really get an idea of how small the actors really are!
Love all the gowns. I know you enjoyed seeing them.
You would look beautiful in them all.
Oh my details!!! I would have been ooooing and ahhhhing at every glance! The detailing is gorgeous! I bet you had a heyday and wanted to try them all on!
Beautiful job xoxox
Oh my details!!! I would have been ooooing and ahhhhing at every glance! The detailing is gorgeous! I bet you had a heyday and wanted to try them all on!
Soooo excited!!!!! We’re going Sunday! LOVE historic costume, reproduction or the real thing!
Oh my! With my theatre background, I can’t imagine the joy of seeing this in person! This is so beautiful — each and every one of them! They take my breath away! Can you imagine how many hours, perhaps hundreds, to make these so accurately and to preserve the history. I am completely dazzled.
Very behind in keeping up with you, Laura, but I hope all is well and that life is treating you with joy these days! I promise to log in soon!