I was going to write about something entirely different today, but it can wait. This story is too good. It made my heart explode into a million pieces. A Happy Ending.
A Happy Ending
I am a HUGE advocate for the foster child program. Many people often don’t consider foster care on their journey to becoming parents. I hope by sharing this wonderful story perhaps someone will open their heart and home to a foster child and make them their forever child.
Judge Jason Disbrow *
Millie Holloman officially became Vera Wren’s mother on March 7th, 2017. Holloman, a wedding photographer, wanted to celebrate the special occasion by honoring everyone involved.
Vera’s grandparents, Richard and Julie Holloman*
The number of people working in the foster care system is not enough. Like many government agencies, there are simply not enough funds to cover the salaries.
Vera’s adoption attorney, and family friend, Grayson Cheek*
Those who work for the system often possess the biggest hearts on the planet. My own caseworker was assigned to my case beginning as a young child and continued through my teenage years. She worked endless hours for very little pay. I think of her often with a warm heart.
Vera’s social worker, Thurston.*
The System
In life, it is always a tremendous bonus if you have a great support system. Save for a few cousins all of my biological family members have gone on to glory. But I have a wondrous extended family. Some that I chose. This motley crew includes members of my previous foster families, longtime friends, school chums, and our Air Force family.
On an average day, there are 428,000 children in foster care.
Over 670,000 children were in the foster care system in 2015.
Love can change those numbers.
Hillary Smith, foster agency employee *
There ARE good kids out there.
I was one of them.
~ “Whoever accepts a little child like this in my name is accepting me.” ~ Matthew 18:5
*All images are the property of Millie Hoffman. You can see more wonderful photos HERE.
That is a beautiful story. Congratulations to all of them, to Vera, to Millie and her family and to the social workers. If only every foster child's story could have an ending like this one!
And like yours, Laura, because you have come through and made yourself a wonderful person and a wonderful family!
Oh what a fabulous story. Praise God
I love this post more than I can say, Laura. My good friend Jim has been a foster dad to at least six kids over the past 20 years of so and four of those he has legally adopted. They were tough boys and it was a struggle at times but he was committed to love them, provide values and support. Some turned out better than others but all, I think, were richer for Jim's care and support.
I'm not sure I knew or remembered that you were from the foster care system but you are a powerful advocate and this post warms my heart.
Every Foster Family should be celebrated. How wonderful that everyone was on board for this celebration!
Beautiful story, Vera's and yours. Family does indeed come in many forms. Ann
What a beautiful story!
Wonder-full post!!
Laura, I'm so glad you shared this! Unfortunately, my “close-up-and-personal” glimpses into the foster care system over the last few months have been beyond disheartening. It's encouraging to be reminded to look for the positives — because they still exist. What precious photos to be treasured always! Praying God's richest blessings on this family . . . and yours.
My family is formed through adoption. This post made my day!
What a beautiful post with such love that draws each one of us into this precious new family. I have shared so much of a similar story this touches my personal heart strings. God bless this new family and all the workers who helped make it possible. You are a beautiful role model! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
Miz Helen
Dearest Laura,
*many* *happy* *tears*
Such a beautiful story and so many wonderful people showing their love and support. Too many times a foster child isn't celebrated and welcomed into the family the way a newborn is. It is wonderful to see the smiling faces on everyone who was involved in making this little girls dreams come true.
Bless them all!
Thank you for sharing such a moving and important story. I keep looking
at those smiling, happy faces all sharing in the joy of this very special occasion. There are so many dreams coming true in this story.
To quote the Beatles – All you need is love! Love is all you need.
To Vera – You love and are loved. It's all you need.
Marilyn (in Dallas)
This story made me cry with joy when I saw it on the news the other night. This is such a beautiful story and a very happy ending for a sweet little girl who might have gotten lost in the system.
Hugs, Carol