On any given day I feel like a Chinese acrobat trying to keep my plates spinning. Most days at least a few of my “plates” come crashing to the ground. So The Chinese Acrobat Makes A List.
The Chinese Acrobat Makes A List
This past Wednesday I picked Sweet Guy up from school in my pajamas.
It was 3:45. In the afternoon.
He took one look at me and inquired “Busy day?”
I guess I can be thankful his first inclination was not “Another pj day mom?”
My explanation was that I had sat down to work on a college term paper at 8 am and when I next looked up at the clock it was 1:45 pm. I quickly threw in a load of wash, started dinner in the crockpot and planned on working in the garden for 15 minutes.
My 15 minutes in the garden turned into an hour and 15 minutes. It was then I realized that if I was going to be in the carpool lane on time it would be in my pajamas.
Can anyone relate?
Also, please explain to me how even though I frequently spend “an hour in the garden” it still looks like this?
Quiet Time
Ok, it’s not that bad and that isn’t even my yard, but you know what I mean.
I’ve decided that weeding is like dusting. Does it ever really make a difference?
But in finally coming to the point of this post: it’s easy to get sidetracked from the things that truly matter.
Such as having a quiet prayer time every day.
I’ll be honest that sometimes I can’t remember who/what I should be praying for/about because my mind is too clogged with “stuff”.
So once a week I started printing out this gentle reminder from The Barn Princess.
I keep it on my computer.
This week at the top of the list is my friend David who I have known almost my entire life.
As children, he routinely would yell out “NERD!” to me on the Lincoln School playground.
Even today he keeps me humble. At least once a week I’ll post a picture on FB and he’ll comment with “Nerd!”
But he’s grown up to be a nice man who is a warrior for Jesus. He loves his wife and works with the youth at his church. Sadly, he was recently diagnosed with cancer. He posted a picture on FB of his first chemo session. To which I wrote:
“I am sorry that you are sitting in that chair with your nerdy socks on my friend. What I am praying for at this moment is that you will be healed. I also have a feeling that you are probably going to bless the crazy socks off someone sitting next to you. David, you can do this!!!”
Because truly when you are faced with something like this, attitude is everything.
The best thing I can do for Dave is to keep him laughing and…
…Pray for him.
I don’t want my life to get so busy that I forget this.
Update: David is CANCER FREE!
Can I pray for you?
Favorite Verses
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” ~ Philippians 2:3
“I thank my God every time I remember you.” ~ Philippians 1:3
“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” ~ Romans 8:26
Great post about remembering what's important.
I just have to tell you that I've seen your acrobat! She performed during halftime at a basketball game. Pretty strange, right?
Such a great reminder. Thanks.
Aww. Prayers for your friend.
Add “Let it rain on the many drought-dry islands in the Pacific.” I've lived over here off and on for 16 years and never known of drought.
Kelley ~
Writing down the people you need to pray for and the rain you need to pray for …all of those things is a great idea! My best friend does the same thing once a week to remind herself. I'm going to do that too.
Praying for your friend David. If he's a Tough Mudder then I have no doubt that he's up for the fight.
I loved every bit of this post except the news of your friend's cancer. But even that, I can see, will be handled with strength, humor and faith. Those three are a powerful combination. Having been down this road with a few friends I realized how important it was to find the humor and how good it felt to laugh during such a trying time. You are a good, nerdy friend, Laura and I will keep David in my thoughts. Love his socks! Ann
I have had days like yours for sure! So sorry about your friend
Oh, Laura! I'm right there with you…I love your daily prayer reminder, and thank you for sharing! I know that I have an “edge” in the daily devotional dept. as I'm retired and have a lot of discretionary time each day. Yet, even my prayer life isn't always what I would wish it to be. For the past few years I've made it a habit to say, “Thank you God for this new day, safe passage through the night, waking me, the gifts and blessings of yesterday.” I also sneak in the “Our Father” and a “Hail Mary,” all before my feet ever touch the floor. This really helps to put peace in my heart before the day begins. No matter how much or how little time in your day, remember ~ “My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me..” John 10:27
I will keep your friend David in my prayers. Have a joyful week!
XO ~ Karen
You certainly have it in perspective, Laura, and remembering what really matters. I know what you mean about setting in to do something and you think it's just for a few — and how quickly time flies and you realize how long you have been involved! Our days move quickly and your recognition of the critical things is so important. The reminder to the rest of us is valuable and I thank you!
I relate to intending to do something for a short time and it turning into much longer. Your carpool and pj story was funny. However, I see quite a few pair of pajamas inside Wal Mart so don't feel badly. Your pj's are cute. I also have been know to work in mine all day.
Blessing to your friend with cancer. Thanks for the reminder to keep the right priorities. I will pray for Dave.
Laura, As a person who's retired, I have many days than I care for where I feel like I'm a Chinese acrobat! I do like your prayer list that you keep in your computer. Even though my husband and I pray together everyday, I know there are some we are forgetting. My mother told me years ago that growing older is so hard because of all the people you will start losing who have been in your life. Sadly, this is what really happens. All we can do is take it to God in prayer and let Him decide our friends fate.
Ha! Weeds and dust never compared the two but it's so true that you never catch up on either. Another wonderful reason to yearn for the hope we have in our future. Praying right now for your friend Dave who has cancer. We have a dear friend named Dave who has cancer, too. Have a good week.
Great post! I need to print off the prayer sheets and make a booklet! I too often get bogged down in daily life and later realize I've neglected my devotion and prayer time. Praying for your friend Dave! ~Rhonda
Praying for your frien David with the nerdy socks….and thankful that your garden really doesn't look like that photo!! And by the way? My outfit is better,neither my fuzzy bleach stained bathrobe and bright green sloggers.
So there!!!
Laura- I love this pajama post and yes- I can absolutely relate.
I need that prayer template to help settle my stressed thoughts.
What a sweet plan.
Thank you.
Good wishes for your friend.
And as for the comparison of weeding and dusting…spot on! And I don't beat myself up over not getting at the weeds when they first pop up. When you pull them out when they are larger they actually help loosen up the earth. 😀
And your jammies look very pretty. Better than some of the leggings I see women wearing! lol
Hope you have a much more relaxing day today! 🙂