Tomorrow my Sweet Guy turns 12. It seems like just yesterday that his extra tiny head could fit in the palm of his dad’s hand. Miracles Can Happen .
Miracles Can Happen
Every day Mr. Décor and I are reminded that miracles can and do happen. Now of course everyone thinks that their baby is a miracle, but Sweet Guy, well, he is extra miraculous.
I married Mr. Décor in the spring of 1998. Shortly after that we moved to the island of Crete. It was an extended honeymoon if you will, complete with a lack of electricity and other creature comforts. But still we were happy. We had already discussed in pre marital counseling that we wanted children. A sibling for the Fashionista who was 8. Time was not wasted. After all, I was 29 and he was 34.
A year went by. No baby. We moved to Germany and I began working at the USO in Landstuhl Hospital. Everyday I saw doctors, nurses, soldiers and families. I was a happy travel agent and tour guide. Many wonderful life long friendships were made.
Another year went by. No baby. We finally went in for testing. We were told the words that no young couple wants to hear.
The doctors said we would never have a baby.
We moved on with our lives and tried to focus on the blessings we did have.
Dr. Nah
One of the doctors who came in every day to the USO for a snack was Dr. Nah. He was from Ghana, Africa. I WISH I had a picture of Dr. Nah just so I could check if he had a pair of angel wings under his lab coat. What I can still plainly see in my mind was his beautiful smile. His teeth were perfectly white and gleamed against his dark complexion. One school holiday I had brought the Fashionista with me to work. I introduced her to Dr. Nah. He inquired if I had any other beautiful children. I sadly told him “No, we have been told we can’t.” His face fell. “Oh, Laura I am so very sorry.” and then he left. The next day he came in and handed me a business card and said, “Go see my daughter. She works at a German fertility clinic in Homburg. She may be able to help.” So we called and we’re directed to the another office. Another series of tests. But this time we were given hope.
We began a round of infertility treatments. German medical doctors are very conservative in this process. At the time we underwent treatment they would allow only 3 fertilized eggs to be implanted within a mother. After a month of daily injections with big needles they were able to extract and fertilize one lone egg.
But we told ourselves that one egg is all that is needed.
A few weeks later we received the good news of our miracle. How happy we were! Then, I suffered a miscarriage. To be given such a gift and then experience such devastation I cannot even begin to describe the depths of my despair. While hope waned, I clung to faith and this.
Another round of treatment. Another round of disappointment.
Infertility treatment takes its toll on people in a number of ways. Financial. Physical. Emotional.
Third Times The Charm
By our third attempt I will admit that I was losing hope. We were running out of time. In the German medical community the maximum number of tries of IVF is four to insure the health and safety of the woman since high dosages of hormones are used.
We had already begun talking about adoption.
This round resulted in three eggs.
Third attempt. Three eggs. Mr. Décor’s lucky number is 3.
For us, the third time was the charm.
But it didn’t end there. At month six of the pregnancy I went into labor. I was given a round of ferrous sulfate and steroids to build up the baby’s lungs. It made me sicker than a dog. I also had to lay completely flat in a hospital bed for a week. I could not get up for anything. In my mind I I still remember the sweet moment Mr. Décor brought in a basin and washed my hair. That gift made this scene seem like nothing compared to that real life moment.
I went home to complete bed rest. I could get up only to use the bathroom and shower once a day. This went on for a month. Mr. Décor took care of me, the Fashionista, our house and still managed his 12 hour a day job as a soldier. Living overseas we had no family to help.
Still, I went into labor again at 7 months. Another round of treatment and a weeklong stay in the hospital. Then a month of complete bed rest. Another month of Mr. Décor the super hero. Pregnancy is hard in and of itself but going through what we went through, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I went into labor once again at a little past 8 months. I was exhausted and had very little fight left in me. An ultra sound revealed that the baby was 5 pounds. The doctors decided to let nature take its course.
Another miracle entered the world. Mr. Décor was 38. I was 33.
Ian Charles Ingalls Gunn
We are forever blessed.
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” ~ Romans 12:12
“Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” ~ Psalm 31:24
“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” ~ Romans 8:25
He is a true miracle!! Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Sweet Guy, and to his family – blessed. Although I haven't experienced it, I've watched others close to me who have – that process is life-changing, regardless of which path one's destiny takes him/her. I'm happy for you, Laura!
Laura,Happy Birthday to your little miracle. Such a lovely post. x
Just beautiful, what you endured was tremendous…life is what you gave. Wonderful story, blessings to you all. Di
What a precious gift God gave you in sweet boy. 🙂 a little miracle man! 🙂 love you Laura, and enjoy his day!
Belated Happy birthday to the young man!
Happy Birthday to your Sweet Boy… er…Young Man! Miracles happen and patience is a virtue! 🙂
Happy birthday to your sweet miracle!!
A miracle indeed!
This is power of Prayer & Hope sprinkled with a full dose of LOVE.
Happy Birthday to ALL!
Happy Birthday to Sweet Guy! He is growing so quickly into an Awesome Man!
Such a beautiful post, Laura! Happy Birthday to your “Miracle” boy!
Our daughter went through very similar circumstances and heartache. But she, her hubby, and all of us were given a double gift — twins! The two of them together didn't even weigh 5 pounds, but they are beautiful 14 year old girls now — such blessings!
He really is a miracle and such a Blessing. Hugs, Marty
Such a beautiful, moving story. God has been good to you. I love your Sunday posts.
Happy birthday to your sweet son !! I admire you for your honesty and appreciation of how truly blessed you are!
Awww happy Birhday to your very special boy 😉 May God bless you and your beautiful family.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Guy!
They wanted you, and you wanted them…thank the Lord that no one gave up!
Happy Birthday to Sweet Boy Gunn!
I too was told I would never have children. God had other plans for both of us. 🙂
Your Friend,
Happy Birthday to your miracle!
This brought tears to my eyes Laura! What an incredible story of faith, triumph, frustration and beauty. Happy birthday to your miracle, Sweet Guy! Ann
What an incredible and wondrous story, or recount if you will. I hung on every word. We have been blog friends for a long time and I never knew that you went through all of this with your husband to bring Sweet Guy (wasn't he recently Sweet Boy?!), into this world. I am so happy for all of you!
What a beautiful redemptive story of hope and healing. Thank you so much for sharing Laura. Your miracle baby has grown to be a Sweet boy for sure. You are blessed.
What a miracle indeed, thank you for sharing and happy birthday to your son!
A sweet miracle indeed. Thanks be to God.
Aw, what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to your special guy!
Oh my gosh…what a sweet story…what you must of gone though…I know what its like to have to stay in bed…its not easy…but so worth what you went through! Happy Birthday to your miracle…
I wish he was still a cute baby covered in green peas!
your easy child
Oh wow! What an incredible story. Yes, you are truly blessed. So happy for all of you. Kit
Wonderful story of God's graciousness to you. We prayed for children too. God provided 3 through adoption.
Wow! Thanks for sharing Aloha Ral
Happy Birthday to your miracle. God preforms them everyday. Thank you for sharing!
Happy birthday to your sweet boy! I have been going through something similar myself over the past few years and I know how difficult it can be. I so glad you were given your miracle ♥ xo
Pass me the tissues, please…
… and some birthday cake! My favorite! Jesus loves birthdays! I do, too! Let the celebration continue!
Happy week!
What a touching post! God is so good to us. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy.
What a wonderful story of Hope, Laura! They are belated, but please give my very best birthday wishes to that young man at your house. I hope he has a wonderful birthday WEEK!
Happy Belated Birthday to all of you! A beautiful story, You never gave up, thats why you have HIM! Best Wishes for a Fab year…
Just found your blog and had to post a wish too!
God is so good… teary eyed and so grateful… blessings for him and your family…