Happy Palm Sunday dear friends! Early this morning I awoke and felt the pressing need to create something for Palm Sunday. It feels a bit strange to not be in church today. I had seen various memes encouraging Christians to place greenery on their front doors. After all, even if we are not gathered together We Are The Church! Here is how to Make Your Own Old Rugged Cross.
- Old fencing (But any wood will do. Paint Sticks, yardsticks, old broom handles.)
- Hammer and nails or a staple gun if thin wood.
- Fresh greenery from your yard.
- Zip ties or twine
- Shovel
- Praise music
Make Your Own Old Rugged Cross
Step One: Make a cross from two pieces of wood. I simply hammered 4 nails into the center of the two pieces of wood.
You can clearly see this wood is rough! It is warped and stained. I can relate. Sing along to your Praise music. Feel your spirit being lifted!
Step Two: Clip some greenery from your yard.
Hedges, bushes, vines, anything will work. Seek out something fresh. You are creating beauty in His name.
Step Three: Secure the greenery to the cross with zip ties, staples or twine.
Please make sure you are wearing pajamas, socks and your son’s van slides while doing so.
Step Four: Dig a hole and place the cross upright.
Make sure the cross stands FIRM.
Step Five: Say a prayer of Thanksgiving. Hosanna in the Highest!
This was my prayer.
Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of your Son. He is the King of Kings! I come to you broken. The world is facing such darkness. May this cross be a blessing and provide hope to all those who walk past it each day. May it be a reminder we are not alone. We are the Church! Amen.
Step Six: Add additional flowers to the cross each day during Holy Week.
On your daily walk, from a distance, invite your neighbors to come to see the cross. Ask if they would like you to clip flowers from their garden to add to the cross.
For health reasons, during the quarantine, ONLY ONE person should touch the cross.
Step Seven: Invite your neighbors to gather on Easter morning, six feet apart, wearing masks, to sing hymns and share a reading from the bible.
Glory to God, Hosanna in the Highest! King of Kings! Lord of Lords!
Praise Him this Palm Sunday.
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Such a beautiful thought, Laura. Many blessings.
A wonderful idea.
It’s beautiful, Laura. Well done. A joyous Palm Sunday to you all.
We placed large palm fronds on our front door. It reminded me of our parish and how the palm fronds always greeted us at the doors of the church on Palm Sunday.
Love it! Great idea!
HAPPY PALM SUNDAY. I made me a cross out of wood years ago and I have had mine in side yard for a month. I usually wrap purple cloth around it with Easter lilies but this year left it plain. The greenery and flowers on yours is pretty. Great idea for neighbors to add flowers.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder of what Palm Sunday means.
Your Cross is just beautiful, Laura! Love the simplicity and beauty it holds. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you as well! And thank you for the birthday wishes!!!