I adore the peony. Its pretty colors, delightful fragrance, and billowing blossoms make my heart happy. The Promise Of The Peony.
I first became aware of peonies while shopping in the markets of France. Like so many of you I was instantly smitten.
I dreamed of having peonies in my garden.
You may know that peonies can be a bit finicky.
Peony tubers like a shallow planting in well-drained soil. Peonies like the sun but only in a cooler climate ~ which means they do best in zones 2-7. They can take up to 3 years until a first bloom, have a blooming period of 2 seconds (kidding…sort of) and produce only one set of blooms a year.
Of course, I live in zone 8a. Everything I read said that peonies do not grow well, if at all, here.
I didn’t care. I wanted PEONIES!
I read that gardeners in zone 8a could possibly have success if the peonies were planted in pots.
So I planted two tubers in separate pots in the fall of 2015.
They barely hung on last summer. One 2016 winter storm came through and busted one of the pots and so I transferred the peony into the ground in an effort to try and save it.
The plant actually improved.
So much so that this past fall I made the decision to transplant the other peony into the ground as well.
A Sad State
This past winter we had unexpected freezing temperatures and I did not cover the peony bushes.
Then a few weeks ago a tornado ripped through our yard.
The next day I found the peony plants lying on their sides as though they were gasping their last breath.
Heartbroken, I just walked away.
I told myself to be thankful that I would soon find them in stores for a short season.
Earlier this week I walked out into my garden for the first time in weeks finally getting a break from school.
Recently, my heart has been heavy, my mind clouded with insecurity. I felt that digging in the dirt, communing with nature, might provide a bit of clarity.
You see I am due to graduate in 8 short weeks and questioning what my future should hold. I know 1000’s of graduates are walking in the same shoes but it seems somehow…wrong… even humiliating, given my advance in years.
As I began working in the bed where the peonies had been planted, pulling weeds and clearing debris away, my heart lifted.
The peonies had bounced back!
Even though it will be one more year before they bloom I am happy in what their promise holds.
I can’t help but think that there is a lesson or two in that.
“Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!” ~ Matthew 6:28
I can understand your frustration Laura. Peonies are the perfect flower, but despite my best efforts, I can't grow them here in Australia. However, they grow wild in our garden in France where they are neglected and have to compete with the weeds and strawberries for sunshine and soil.
A lesson indeed. I struggle with my peonies — I think they áre in both bad dirt and bad light in my space. I send you good wishes for their continued healing and bloom — and meanwhile, pick up a few at the market for your quick fix! I'm so very glad they survived!
We had a peony Bush in the side yard at my home in central Illinois. It did great year after year despite little attention. I did not appreciate the flower until I grew up and no longer loved in the house. My favorite as well. Enjoyed your segment.
Laura, I'm so happy the peonies are back. That's amazing! I tried to grow peonies several years ago. A dealer told me to pack them with ice during the winter since we get so few freezes. Didn't work!
I have to buy mine in the market. I hope to find some today!
Unopened peonies look like scoops of ice cream!
Peonies are my FAVORITE flower!!! I have 4 plants and hope to buy more this year. They also bring happiness to me heart.
deb 🙂
Yes, there is my friend. You are not too old. No one is ever too old to follow their dreams. Be the peony and make your come back 😉
Peonies and lilacs! I grew up in central NY and they grow everywhere there. My childhood home was surrounded by peonies and lilacs and you haven't lived until you wake up to their wonderful fragrance drifting in through an open window!!! It's pure bliss.
You're the first person I have met in this area to successfully grow peonies. That's not an easy task. You are giving me the courage to try again.
Thanks for posting about your success with peonies and I also know that you will be successful in whatever direction your career takes you. 🙂
Marilyn (in Dallas)
I've been wanting to try peonies. They're so pretty. I looked up my gardening zone – one forum said it was a 6b or 7, so it should do well here. So glad yours bounced back!
I know it must seem odd to have “what do I do with my life” questions at this stage, but God will lead when we ask Him. May He direct your way as soon as possible – I know how uncomfortable it is to live with uncertainty.
Peonies are one of my favorites and this year it looks like I'll get more than 3 blooms. Glad your plant bounced back! Congrats on being so close to graduation.
Yup, they are short lived blooms but what beautiful blooms while they are out! Ours are just starting to poke up from the ground right now but they will give us a beautiful show soon, as long as the blossoms don't get rained on. Like the delicate rose buds they turn brown and give up as soon as they get wet.