Happy Woodworking Wednesday Charming Country Step Stool dear friends!
Woodworking Wednesday Charming Country Step Stool
Mr. Decor’s been at it again.
If by chance you missed the garden bench or little wooden caddy, Mr. Decor has challenged himself to see how many reclaimed woodworking projects he can create with the old fence planks we replaced recently.
The latest gem is this sweet little step stool. I’ve already used it to tackle my overgrown climbing roses and see it being extremely helpful in other ways in the future.
Happy Projects
Once again he created this project using his own design but I found similar projects for you to try HERE and HERE.
What projects have you been working on?
Seeing this, Laura, motivates me to get the lead out and finish the project (similar) I started when I ran over the tall ladder with the car and we had to cut off the bottom. Now there is a little stool (OK, a two step ladder if you want to be specific) that is screaming for a little love and some paint and a spot in the yard!
This is wonderful. Mr. Decor is a wizard and it's just perfect with the plants!
Love this, what a useful stool
This is so cute. I love it Laura.
That is so cute to set the plants on in your yard. I love reclaimed projects like these. One of my brothers is a gardener and carpenter and has little projects like these all through his garden. They are so much fun to come across as you are strolling along enjoying the blossoms and greenery. Gardening is still a few weeks away here but a person can dream!
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Very cute and a great way to recycle an older fence! I also like the weathered look of the garden stool. It's perfect for the garden!!
Marilyn (in Dallas)