A few weeks ago my doctor recommended I start going to a local water aerobics class. Washing Away Fear.
Washing Away Fear
With my combination of scoliosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis she said it would be the very best therapy for my recent back injury.
In theory, it sounded good.
But I just couldn’t get past thinking that it was going to be a really uncomfortable situation.
I just knew that I was going to feel bad about myself.
But I forced myself to go.
Nervously tugging at my straps I tentatively approached the water.
I was met by the nicest and most welcoming group of people on the planet.
It wasn’t horrible, awful or uncomfortable.
I immediately felt at ease.
There were body shapes and swimming costumes of all types.
Everyone was simply getting fit and feeling fabulous.
I now look forward to going to class.
But it makes me wonder:
“What other great opportunities have I missed out on due to unfounded fears?”
So come on in, the waters fine.
“And the LORD will continually guide you, And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones, And you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.” Isaiah 58:11
I loved this post – so wonderful that it turned out to be a good experience and such a clever use of photos.
Our own imagined fears are just about always worse than what actually happens in real life. So glad you found a happy place to heal and get better! 🙂
This is such a wonderful, inspiring post. Thank you for sharing. And I hope your back is feeling better.
Love this. Glad you had a good experience.
The CRS (can't remember s___) lunch group I joined this past year also has a water aerobics class they've invited me to join, which I likely will at some point. They have a blast. I'm glad you felt able to get past the initial fear you had so you can not only get the therapy needed for your back, but make new friends too.
Since I know you personally, I know what a special person you are and can't imagine anyone would ever not welcome you with open arms. So glad you started going, this is fabulous. You shine above the most, so step out there and shine.
good for you for going! i love it! i took swimming lessons at the ripe old age of 41. i was my teachers oldest student. all the toddlers looked at me like “what's wrong with her?” ha! i have to say that whenever i see a woman rocking a bathing suit with confidence no matter what her shape or size I admire her so much and it inspires me to do the same. thanks for sharing and I hope you feel better very soon!
Hi Laura, what a great post and I am so glad you went and joined the group. I know they opened a warm welcome for you.
Well dear, we have a lot in common. I also have scoliosis and osteoporosis. I was diagnosed with many years ago and osteoporosis 13 years ago. Mine is metabolic and not due to hormones or age. I also swim everyday here at home and in the off months I do special workouts designed for this condition.
It is very important to add weight resistance to your routine. While water aerobics is a great health benefit, it is not exactly designed to help bones become more dense. Walking, adding weights with alkaline foods really helps. I follow a biochemist named Vivian Goldschmidt who has studied osteoporsis and teaches how to increase bone density without drugs.
You can read more here at
Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday. xo
Laura – Hope you get a lot of fulfillment from your new water fitness class. There is a special comradery in water fitness classes. I, too, suffered a debilitating back injury and several surgeries. Unable to exercise comfortably on land, I joined my first water fitness class and I loved it. Yes, putting on the bathing suit and walking out to get in the pool was somewhat intimidating. After participating in the class for several years, I got my water fitness instructor certification and the rest is history. The water provides so many health benefits and along with it comes a lot of fun. Best wishes to you! Jill
I think we all miss great opportunities because we worry about ourself image. Hope you thoroughly enjoy your water aerobics and they help you feel better.
You go girl!
Good for you for stretching a little and taking a chance. I think that doing just that is what keeps people interesting into old age (I know – a very long way away for you!) Good luck with the classes. I am about to try yoga for the first time in 42 years.
Oh Laura, this post has such great timing for me. I have been trying to talk myself into going to an Aqua Jam class at our local swim center, 2 evenings after work. I look like the old black and white photo of the woman diving–HA!! You have given me the encouragement to try it out this week! Thanksonce again, for your online friendship! Annette
So true, isn't it? I decided a really long time ago that I deserved to be having fun in the pool or whatever the opportunity of the day might be just as much as the next person, and also that when I woke up the next day, I was not going to look any different than I did at that moment. So I just decided to like myself the way I am right now and do things I wanted to do, regardless of what other people might think or of how imperfect I felt. I've never regretted that decision! Good for you, Laura! The water is so therapeutic!
So true. I like be to swim but I will never allow myself into the water like this. No way.
You've written a post that many of us can identify with. Are we ever happy with our bodies? Rarely, I think. Yet, we miss out on so much. I'm glad you “jumped into the water” and found warm acceptance.
If I had your figure, I'd go to the grocery store in a swimsuit! Congratulations on finding the courage and discovering a new “good for you” activity.
Hip Hip Hooray!!
My grand daughter was just diagnosed with scoliosis.
At 9 years old she is now in a brace for the next 5 years. BUT…swimming is a huge part of her therapy. Anytime she is in the water, it counts as wearing her brace! She has to wear it 20 hours a day.
Oh my gosh! I hear you! We need to quit letting fear hold us back. Glad you went and conquered that one. Way to go. (Hope it helps with your healing – I know it did wonders for my knee!)
Good for you, Laura! I'm sure you will make many new friends.
I commend you, Laura. Facing our fears often liberates us from other fears. I think it's great you are swimming. I was just diagnosed with scoliosis (along with other serious and depressing problems with my back). Funny that I live on a lake, and have been for over twenty years but I do fear water. Fear of drowning. I had a wonderful day on vacation today swimming in the clear water of a pool where I could see the bottom. The exercise and feeling the weightlessness was thrilling and therapeutic! I need to talk hubby into a pool!!!
Good going Laura! I am so glad you feel a part of the group and look forward to swimming. As we ladies mature we realize this is it, it's time to have some fun and to heck with all those silly expectations we put on ourselves.
Good for you! This will be an awesome experience for you and who knows, you may be able to use this example to encourage someone else to do something they're nervous about. In fact, you probably already did!
I think it's a fantastic idea!!!!! Enjoy and be healthier!
How true this is! I'm so glad you are enjoying the class. That's exactly how I felt when I first started Zumba. I just new all the hotties would be there and I'd be the only 50+ but that's not true at all. 🙂
How great of you to overcome your fear! I'm not so good at that.
WOW! Love this post! Needed to read it too! I may just need to read this to the ladies in Bible Study tonight! I hope it helps you a lot Laura. Thanks so much! Hugs and blessings, Cindy
I've been going to water aerobics for ten years now and never get tired of it. I've also met met so many wonderful friends through it. We even celebrate monthly birthdays by going out or having the party at someone's house. I hope you'll enjoy your class, Laura.
I loved water aerobics when I had better access to an indoor pool. (My outdoor one doesn't have classes). I've been swimming like a crazy girl in the Land of Limited Internet and know how healing the water is for our sore joints. I'm so glad you have found something that you like!