I grew up in Northern California. A little over an hour from my hometown, near Sutter Creek, there is a hill that is transformed every spring into a carpet of daffodils. It is, in short, an amazing sight to behold. Planting Hope Daffodil Hill.
Planting Hope Daffodil Hill
First-time visitors gazing over the fields always ask, “How did this happen?”
The answer is simple, two women made this beauty possible.
The property has been in the same family since the late 1800s. One of the residents, Lizzie, passed away in 1935. Her daughters, Jessie and Mary, decided to plant daffodils in her memory. The women, each holding a simple trowel, planted a few daffodils every year. Their work has resulted in over 400,000 yearly blooms that delight visitors from around the world.
Last week was a hard week for me. The type of week that can make a person lose hope.
At the end of that week, as I drove Sweet Guy to the library, I noticed a sign on the side of the road that said “Estate and Demolition Sale”. I dropped my son off and returned to the sale entering through scrolled white wrought iron gates. Behind those gates, I encountered a gazebo and a beautiful field of spring flowers to include… daffodils.
I went inside the house first. It was a charming mid-century brick ranch style. It featured all the original built-ins and you could tell that at the time it had been built everything had been top of the line. My heart was crushed that it was going to be torn down. I inquired “Why?” and was informed that a new Super K—– grocery store was going in. I have to say that my blood boiled just a bit. Not even 2 miles from where I stood there was already a fairly new Super K—–. So much for “progress”.
I didn’t find anything I needed in the house but I did ask, “Can I dig up some of the daffodils?” I was given the green light. So, I quickly returned home and told Mr. Decor that I wanted to dig up and replant some daffodils in memory of the three lovely people who had passed on the week before.
He got the shovel. (Heart eyed emojis for Mr. Decor.)
We spent about an hour replanting the flowers and I am happy to report that they all have taken the transplant very well.
Later in the week, I noticed that all the flower seeds I had planted are starting to grow.
My friends, there is nothing like a little sprout to replant hope in your heart.
May you plant hope this week.
Planting Hope
“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the LORD, the splendor of our God.” ~ Isaiah 35: 1-2
“My beloved has gone down to his garden, To the beds of balsam, To pasture his flock in the gardens And gather lilies. “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine, He who pastures his flock among the lilies.” ~ Song of Solomon 6:2
Laura, have you read the “Gold Country Girls” blog? They live near your old home. http://goldcountrygirls.blogspot.co.uk/ Often they show pictures, current and historical, of the countryside around them.
Thank for saving some of the daffodils.
Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers and I can only imagine seeing a whole hillside of them. Gorgeous! I am sorry for the losses you experienced this past week, may the sight of your transplanted daffodils inspire that hope in your heart. Ann
Oh, it makes me so angry to see a beautiful home and garden torn up for — a SUPER K???!!! Nooooooo!
I love every single photo (that first one is a stunner!) And I'm so delighted they would let you dig up the daffodils and create your own memory garden for those you love. And especially glad the transplant took so well. You've had a tough road recently — I hope the sign of new life in your garden reminds you of the circle of life and that your healing journey has no more bumps on the road.
Laura, gardening is so rewarding in many, many ways. I'm proud of you for rescuing some of the daffodils. You will be rewarded year and year as they grow and spread. Love the story of the sisters planing the daffodils in memory of their mum. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry to hear beauty will be replaced by a parking lot…
Glad you thought to take some of the daffodils. My sisters and I were able to muck about in the daffodil fields in Mt.Vernon Wa. on Saturday. Pure joy. So much yellow! Hope this week is brighter for you…
Oh I am so ready to get back in the garden. Nothing like seeing fresh new sprouts, signifying newness. I am glad you were able to salvage some of those daffodils. What a shame such a lovely piece of property is being leveled for yet another store!
Glad you were able to rescue the daffodils. Put some bone meal around them to give them some nutrients.
How sickening an ugly store is going to replace all of those beautiful daffodils! It is nice you were able to take some home!
Laura- this is a lovely post.
You are a wonderful storyteller and writer.
The sight of daffodils always says to me that Spring is here finally! Here in East Texas, we have a beautiful garden near the town of Gladewater called Mrs. Lee's Daffodil Garden. There are thousands of daffodils and the scenery includes a rustic cabin beside a lake.
Love this
So wonderful that you could save some daffodils. I hate it whe an old building is torn for bad reasons, like a new store!
OMG this is simply stunning!!!
Thanks for sharing these pictures in a gloomy day like this!
I am angry too! I am so tired of beautiful homes and/or pieces of land being ruined by someone thinking concrete is better. It really upsets me when precious trees are cut down. That's what has happened across from me. Huge homes being built just for the $$$.
I'm so glad you were able to salvage some of the daffodils. Such beauty! I hope you have a better week!
I'm so glad you were able to save at least a smidgen of the beauty of that old house…I hate when lovely old properties are destroyed to put in another big box store – as if we need more????
Laura, what a beautiful sight! Thank you so much for sharing this. It will live on through your sharing.