For those of you who prefer a colorized version of a classic, I bring you “Miss Havisham’s Wedding Breakfast Gone Bad Part II” Miss Havisham Colorized.
Welcome my friends to a wedding breakfast. It’s hosted by Miss Havisham every single day.
Miss Havisham Colorized
You know Miss Havisham, don’t you? She’s a favorite character in Charles Dicken’s “Great Expectations”. Young, lovely and wealthy Miss Havisham had planned a lavish wedding to her suitor Compeyson. Although her cousin had tried to warn her that he was a scoundrel she didn’t listen. On the morning of the wedding, at twenty to nine, she received a letter from her intended informing her the wedding would not take place. From that day forward time stopped for the heartbroken Miss Havisham.
Rotting Wedding Feast
She never removed her wedding gown and the wedding breakfast was left to rot.
She had selected only the finest linen, crystal, and lace for her special day.
The Sideboard
The sideboard groaned under the weight of all the wedding food.
But the feast was only ever enjoyed by insects and rats.
One of the rats reminds me of another crazy character… the painter Salvador Dali.
Miss Havisham Take Care!
I do hope Miss Havisham takes care. There is just so much flammable fabric…
…draped amongst so many flames.
She has suffered enough…we wouldn’t want anything to go up in smoke.
Black & White
You can see the original black and white version HERE.
View it if you dare.
You're having a lot of fun with this theme! And I'm having fun looking at it. I've always thought Miss Havisham was a quitter, but she does add quirkiness to the story.
I love it. About four years ago, my daughter did Miss Haversham's wedding for a class. She made it into a video. It was precious. She loved that book. Poor Miss Haversham really caught her attention being stuck in the past with the dress, the old wedding cake, and a clocked stopped. Of course, it is just one of Dicken's masterpieces, but it leaves and indelible impression. Great job!
This is so fun and it's eerily beautiful, too. Very creative!
What made you think of doing this? Please explain – was it a school project? If so, you should get an A!
Bonsoir chère amie,
Des photos étonnantes ! Un décor extraordinaire et fascinant… J'adore !
Gros bisous ♡
This is so neat!!!
Love it!
The candle light casts a eerie effect, even in color!
I thought B&W would be better, but I'm torn. Both versions look terrific!
Too fun Laura! You are amazing as usual!! I hope you will visit, I miss you!
The Arts by Karena
Halloween Artistry!
I wasn't expecting to like the colorized version, but some of the images were even more creepy in color. Irregardless, I'm a huge fan of both. Bravo! Ann
Hello Laura,
Wow! You did a great job with decorating everything for this. I love the all white and the little rats! I loved that book Great Expectations.
Thanks for sharing your fun display.
Have a wonderful week.
Julie xo
I love all your attention to detail in your decor.
The B&W is definitely a little spookier. (Even with the rats and spiders and cobwebs the beauty of your dining room and elements shines through) But I did notice more details with the colour version of the photos.
A couple of things I really admire in your details are the clock stopped at the time the sad message was delivered, the toppled chair as if she jumped up in a hurry and left and the cake being nibbled by the rodents. The cake looks very yummy, BTW. I hope the rodents didn't get all of it! lol
Thank you for sharing your awesome work. 🙂
I really, really love this especially the colorized version because it is so real.