Recently one of my college instructors wanted us to watch/listen to Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture. I had watched this lecture seven years ago when it was an internet sensation. However, I needed a refresher viewing since it was linked to an assignment. It led to Brick Walls and a Baby.
So many things he said were pure gold. A few outstanding gems are:
“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
“It’s not how hard you hit. It’s how hard you get hit…and keep moving forward.”
“Brick walls aren’t put in our life to stop us, they are there to test how much we really want something.”
In life, I have had my fair share of brick walls.
Brick Walls and a Baby
Every year at this time I am reminded of one of the biggest brick walls I ever had to scale in order to claim my heart’s desire.
Mr. Décor and I were once told that we would never have a baby. NEVER. It was impossible.
Now sometimes you should read the writing on the wall and look for another path.
At the time we were living in Germany and so foster care and adoption was not an option for us.
There are other times you must ignore the writing (which may be in a foreign language) and have tremendous faith.
This is the route I chose to take.
I had a War Room 15 years before it became a hit.
I picked out bible verses that spoke of faith.
Verses on heart desires were pinned up.
I also pinned up image after image of the cutest babies.
Then I became relentless in prayer. I was incessant, unceasing, and persistent.
Now I truly believe God always answers our prayers. Sometimes just not in the way we had envisioned.
The Waiting Game
We had to wait.
Three YEARS of waiting. Three years of praying. Three years of climbing wall after wall.
During this time I was working at the Landstuhl Hospital as manager of the USO. I had become friends with a semi-regular customer, Dr. Nah, from Nigeria. He popped in about once a week for a snack or chat.
One day school was canceled. I can no longer remember why, only that I was very irritated! It meant that I had to bring my daughter to work with me. Coincidently Dr. Nah came by on that same day and met her.
The next time he came in he asked me about my other children. I told him that she was my only child. Dr. Nah, an obstetrician, said, “Oh but you should have more children.” I replied that I would love to have more children but we had been told that we couldn’t. His face was truly crestfallen and he simply said: “Oh I see.”
The next time Dr. Nah came by he placed a business card on my desk. He very firmly stated, “This is my daughter. She works at a clinic in Homburg. She will help you.”
That evening an American military wife told her Panamanian born husband that a Nigerian doctor had emphatically told her that a German clinic was going to help them have a baby. Another year and a half was filled with tremendous heartbreak. Money was running out. I was still unceasing in prayer but it seemed as if we had to accept the inevitable.
It was then, at long last, hope arrived.
That hope turns 14 this Wednesday.
“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
Such a wonderful blessing and a testament to your tremendous faithfulness!
I sometimes hear people glibly use the verse…'Oh ye of little faith.' But when a story comes along that proves the strength there is in faith, it really proves how much it is worth.
Happy Birthday Almost Grown up Sweet Guy!
Thank you for sharing this inspiring testimony of faith. What an awesome blessing! Happy Birthday, sweet guy!
Laura he really is such a blessing and so is the fashionista. You are a fabulous mom and your children are just as fabulous.
Such a beautiful testimony. How I praise the Lord for His provision, and carw, and answered prayer over you. How I glorify His name, and rejoice!!!! ((Hug))
I'm so happy for you that your prayer was answered the way you wanted. Sometimes the answer is no…as it was for me, and after 15 years I'm okay with that. We were given a wonderful son who is a huge blessing for my husband and I, and we love him more than anyone could ever love a child. But the answer to our prayer for a second was no.
Nothing is sweeter than victory that is hard won! This is such a powerful testimony and now when you look at your miracle baby son I know you can see how the plan of God and the power of His hand played out in your circumstance. Thank you for sharing Laura! And Happy Birthday to your son!
PS Wasn't War Room fabulous! Of course I cried the whole way through but loved it!
What a wonderful story and a great reminder.
You are blessed!
Happy Birth-Day Laura.
Dear Laura, your commitment to your faith inspires me tremendously. I went to church with my mother, sister and niece this morning……it had been quite some time..
The Arts by Karena
It's my prayer that millions of other barren women everywhere not give up hope!
A very happy week it is to celebrate!
Love 'n hugs,
Letters Unfolded
What a wonderful story of faith. Happy birthday to your miracle.
Thanks so much for posting this. It always helps to hear from others who have been in the same place we have. Our oldest miracle is four and our youngest miracle is due next month. God is good.
There are so many miracles in this world. We just need to open our hearts and minds to them. Ian, you are a wonderful miracle and I look forward to following your journey via your mom. We, in our world have experienced challenges and what I consider miracles. God is here. Ann
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! What a wonderful testimony of faith!
What a wonderful story of faith and blessing, thank you for sharing this with us Laura!