When we moved from Arizona we got rid of so many things that no longer worked for our family, we had grown tired of or somehow been living with even though we never really loved them.
We wanted to consider our move to Texas a fresh start on a variety of levels.
We decided that we would rather live with an empty room and save for something special rather than have a room filled with average things.
Somehow over the course of the past few months I forgot what we were striving for.
Over the weekend we worked on the Storybook Cottage living room. We took everything down from the worlds largest fireplace surround to include the gigantic mirror that reflected nothing of beauty.
Then we spent a good two hours trying to find a new spot to hang said mirror.
It didn’t work anywhere.
But we kept trying to force the issue.
Finally in frustration I loudly said “Why are we working so hard to find a place for a mirror I don’t even really like?”
The Mr. replied “It just came with the house. I’m not married to it. Let’s get rid of it.”
Sweeter words were never spoken.
Do you ever find yourself battling against your furniture or accessories?
I'm in the middle of painting our powder room today and I'm battling over the light fixture that's there…I like it but with the new mirror I'm putting in there it's not going to sit right with me so I slept on it and ordered the new one this morning!
Great attitude! I totally agree and I'm sure there's someone out there who will just love it.
I know you considered painting all the brick and I voted no since I'm just not a fan. Looking at this pick it appears that it may be sealed so painting it might be quite a chore anyway. Also, that gorgeous crown molding might lose its impact.
Have you tried taping up big pieces of white paper just to get an idea of what it might look like? I was thinking maybe doing that on the left side where the shelves are and just living with it for a while. Then you can spray paint the paper different colors to see what might work.
Good luck!
If and when I find myself fighting with something in my house that doesn't “work” {something that can be done away with}, it's the first thing in the car and going to Goodwill! I don't have a single THING in my house – anywhere – that I don't want!! Well, at least not a piece of furniture, an accessory – things like that. LOL!!
A clean slate can be a very good thing! I really like the cute little stool sitting there!
I am taking a break from emptying our living room and discovered your new post. Could your timing be any better? I am completely overwhelmed with the collection of “stuff” that I've acquired by selling our other homes. I too, have decided to start fresh. Our new furniture arrives on Thursday. {Where were you when I needed help picking out furniture?!} I am printing out that meme and posting it on my fridge to act as a reminder and motivator!
Your Friend, Deborah
I do this too. Sometimes it's with things I really like but just cannot find a way to make it work. So I have to sell it and move on!
More often than not… Thanks for inspiring me to keep only what I love!
Craigslist – turn it into a teeny bit of cash!
Oh yes! Just in the last month we've gotten rid of things we've had for years just because. We just sacked a mirror ourselves albeit it a whole lot smaller than your mantel mirror!
When we thought we were going to move I was heartbroken. The only bright light for me was getting to start with a clean slate in a different house! Don't get me wrong I do love our house. But I am so ready for a change! You are lucky in that respect for sure. Too funny about the mirror. I could see us doing the exact same thing:)
This is EXACTLY where I am right now. We moved to this house over 2 years ago now and I have so many THINGS that just don't work in this house. This is the YEAR OF THE PURGE!!! I need to rid ourselves of too many things that we just don't love any more. Thanks for the push!!!!! PS, I like that mirror, if I were closer I would buy it from you:):)
Laura…I totally understand. However, I have had a lot of regrets getting rid of something and later wishing I hadn't. I am a lucky one to have storage room in our basement (and yeah, it's pretty crowded down there!). If I'm perplexed or feeling like I don't truly love something…down it goes. A lot of times I discover another place or way to use it. I did a post a week or so ago about re~doing our office. I had a ginormous painting that I bought for our living room last year. It totally didn't work. Downstairs it went. Then I tried it in the office. Voila! Have a look at the post. You never know…a hall, office or future room redo?
Jane x
I so want this new home to be the new start you are looking for. If it doesn't fit, get rid of it and move on. You are so good at finding a replacement for whatever you need, so just go with your heart. Mirrors are so inexpensive, you will find something better if you ever decide you want another one.
As I look at the whole brick wall, I am bothered by all the different levels and treatments. In a perfect world, I'd remove the shelves and the mantel and the firescreen and put a mantel that goes all the way across to unify it. Right now it's so divided, unevenly, and that would unify it and give you just two levels – above and below….
Ever since we moved we have been going through the same process.. purging the old, up cycling and keeping the worthy and bringing in new..
But this is going to sound weird, Laura. I find myself battling to figure out what to give away. I find something new I love, but then I have to get rid of something old I love. It is rare that I buy something I don't like. I generally love what I buy and love it for years to come. But then needs change. But yes, I have been known to keep things I don't love, too. Mainly because of the quality (like your mirror). Most of those things have made their way to charity. I used to be forced to purge once a year when years ago our women's charity had a thrift sale, but now we have moved on to other fundraisers. Makes it hard!
I did buy some pillows thinking I would “update” my sofa, and I hated the chevron pattern when I got it in the room. It was jumpy and trendy and made me go, “Why did I do this?” So off to charity they went.
I can see why you would be hesitant to get rid of that nice mirror. Can you put it on Craig's List? Someone might be needing one just like it!
I know what you mean,,,glad you were able to let go of the mirror and wait for the perfect item that will be “just right” I do love that fireplace though,,,it looks like it has tons of potential!!
I found the responses as interesting as your post. One person had mentioned their regret over purging something and then later wished they hadn't. I think the difference here is getting something out of the way that you really didn't like in the first place (Why do you suppose the previous owners didn't take the 'Ugly Reflection' with them?), to trying to find the right place for something you love and just had to have but it doesn't work where you think it will. It often costs more money after all is said and done to try to accommodate something that you think you should make work just because it's there.
I have a china cabinet that came from my Mother's. It's an antique that my brother gave to her. I hate it but because of where it came from, I feel obligated to keep it as it is. I think I could learn to love it if it was painted creamy white. I have moved it all over the house trying to 'live' with it. It's last move has brought it very close to the door. It may be on it's way out! lol
Thank you for sharing your awesome posts. They always make me think or laugh or cry but they are never dull! {{{Hugs}}}
Laura yes! I am working on not feeling any guilt about letting go of furnishings and accessories that I just don't like or maybe used to. If family does not want at least it goes to charity so I am paying it forward right!?
Featuring “Inner Spaces”
I hope you saved it somewhere. That mirror's frame would be great as a chalkboard.