…and because during times such as these that it is often laughter that gets one through a storm I sent her this:
We all, at one time or another, will fight a battle or experience a situation that seems impossible. So, yep, Winston again. (I adore him and his can do-don’t quit attitude!)
I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have been knocked down. Not just to my knees, but FLAT OUT! I could only get back up on my knees and pray. Hard. Sometimes prayers were answered the way that I wanted them to be answered. Sometimes God had other plans and honestly there were times it made me mad! But then… a few days, a few weeks, months or even years passed by and I would have the “A HA” moment and I would be SO thankful He answered my prayers His way. And yes, there are a few areas that I am STILL waiting for an answer.
Sigh. I wish I had more patience. I’m not so good at the waiting part. But I do believe this.
So to everyone that is thinking about giving up…don’t.
Hang in there and pray without ceasing. Beauty and goodness awaits. He has promised.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” ~ Joshua 1:9
Thank you Laura. Needed this more than you could ever know.
Sending prayers for your friend. So true how something can make our problems seem so small compared to others. Loved the picture of you and Marty of FB. Have a blessed Sunday
Beautiful sentiment and perspective, Laura. And in my own whiny way, as I am purging, I think of you and other bloggers who are trying to move entire residences. Battles like those of your friend trump our pettiness, and help us realign our perspective. I hope your day is relaxing.
Perspective and contentment………
thank you!
Praying for you and for your courageous friend. I am so sorry. Keep that faith, it shall sustain you! God bless.
Two weeks ago I broke my arm badly. It's my right arm, and I'm a righty. I have had so much pain, and so many frustrations that it's good to get some perspective. It may take much longer than I'd like, but this will heal…and I'm so grateful that it will.
Yes, it's all in our perspective! I know how difficult a move can be…at least mine last year was not long distance. I had scheduled the movers and was still packing when Abby's accident happened. An incredibly wonderful group from Church finished the packing for me and did the move 5 days after Abby's service. They were so concerned about perhaps damaging something…I told them not to worry, it was all just “things”. I've felt that way ever since. We may have some treasured items but in the scheme of things, there are much more important “life” events.
I will certainly pray for your friend ~ I'm so very sorry she's going through this. I think I mentioned that I volunteer with Chemo Angels…my buddy advised me the other day that a new scan revealed more cancer cells. I wanted to cry but I knew that I must pray ~ God's healing touch is what she needs. Please know that I will add your friend to my prayer list for healing, strength and comfort.
P.S. Love the quotes you shared!
Ahh…good stuff!
I heard somebody once say, “Going through hell? Don't stop! Go through hell to the other side!” Boy, that's the truth. Keep on and do NOT give up!
Amen, Laura!
Great post, Laura, and so true. It's hard to keep going when there is turmoil all around. But there is peace, too, in the eye of the storm. Never, never, never, never give up! Good advice. Susan
Another great and wise reminder — nothing like a little perspective to keep us all on track!! I wish the best for your friend and will continue to send positive thoughts your way…. Never, never, never should we give up!
I hope your friend reads this…I think you are wonderful. Anyone going through this dreaded disease must know that it's a fight worth fighting.
Love to you and your precious friend. Sending many, many prayers.
Jane xxx
A beautiful and well said message. I so needed it today.
It has happened to me before to be so focused on my own problems that they seemed big and suddenly something reminded me the hard way that they were nothing. I hope your friend will also find courage in your words.
This is a timely reminder to appreciate what we have, including good health!