As you read this I am on a plane headed back to Arizona. I’ve been in Texas the entire week on a house hunting trip. There is one home that is a definitely a front runner on our short list. In the kitchen the wall where the range is located is real brick.
I’ve never worked with brick as a featured design element in a kitchen before. This is an image of the actual kitchen in the house we are seriously considering. (Please also notice the wood floors and awesome molding and baseboards.
Right now it feels a bit cave like.
When I told Mr. Décor that I would paint the wood bead board ceiling he, like most men, had a seizure. But then I showed him a few images on Pinterest and he agreed.
But he did say that he wanted the brick to remain unpainted. I’m all about compromise. So thank goodness for Pinterest.
I do think it is possible for the space to be cozy yet not cave like.
I’ll keep you posted and share the other homes we are considering very soon.
Do you like brick in the kitchen?
Here in NE of course the oldest houses – those built in the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries have brick fireplaces and built-in ovens, and those are considered very desirable features! And putting a range in the old fireplace was commonplace.
What exciting and beautiful houses you are finding. I hope you are enjoying the dreaming process? We're enjoying it with you!
After you paint the ceiling and cabinets, perhaps DH might decide that just a little whitewash of the brick would look lovely?
I love exposed brink in the kitchen … there is something so European about it that just makes me love it!
Hopefully you guys will find the perfect house soon. Moving a distance away is such a challenge when trying to find the perfect home! You have shared some lovely spaces indeed.
I LOVE the look of exposed brick in a kitchen and I also love white beadboard ceilings…so pretty!!
Laura, I LOVE it! The minute you showed the picture of your potential purchase kitchen, I imagined it all lightened up exactly the way you have shown. I would die for a kitchen like that, seriously die.
And I would die happy!
Brick is back, baby! Go for it!
I love exposed brick in a kitchen. It adds wonderful texture and interest. Looks like you have great housing options!
Mary Alice
Laura, the brick is GORGEOUS!!!! Keep it! The white beadboard ceiling will go a long way to brighten it up! This kitchen is stunning.. and a keeper!
A little paint, OK, a lot of paint will work wonders on that kitchen! The reason I say a lot is because when I painted my dark cabinets it took and 7 layers to get the look I wanted! I have full confidence that you will transform it to the kitchen of your dreams!
OMG, I love the brick in the kitchen – that kitchen is AMAZING. Yes to painting the ceiling beadboard, absolutely. And maybe your hubs would let you lightly – and I mean LIGHTLY whitewash the brick – most of the pinned pics you shared did that, just cools the bricks deep colour just a teeny weeny bit.
But if not it looks awesome as is, but I would want to whitewash to lighten a hint or two. I sooooo need to redo my kitchen, you inspire me! LOVE THAT HOUSE!!!!!
Love the brick. I even had a brick floor in a home in Calif. that I loved. I say good.
How exciting, Laura! I know that whatever home you choose you will make beautiful. I do love the brick and a lot of paint would brighten up the kitchen in this home.
Beautiful home! I love the transom windows over the garden doors in the adjoining room. Looks like they are bright and spacious rooms too.
It must be getting quite exciting to be getting another step closer to finding the right home!
Hi Laura,
Oh yes for sure keep all the brick!! I love brick, my husband and I just competed a kitchen re-model and added brick as a feature wall in our dinning room, brick as a back splash and behind the glass cabinet doors. We also had the brick laid beneath the counter island. Its great and no scuff marks from kids or adults kicking the wall when they are seating there. Are cabinets are white.
I love the kitchen you are showing us, I would go for it for sure. Good luck and keep us posted.
Safe travels, Elizabeth
I love brick in the kitchen, and although it does appear dark at this point, I think you can spruce this kitchen with some good paint!
I love real brick in any room however that white washed brick in the white kitchen is wonderful
I've been a little remiss, my friend, but hope to catch up. LOVE the home and exposed brick and yep, paint the beadboard ceiling. I think it looks cozy, not cave-like!! Oh, I could just eat that kitchen up!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope it was a great day! I like the brick and I think if you paint the ceiling, it will look wonderful.
That is such great news. I pray that this is the one because it looks warm and homey.
After you paint the bead board, Mr, Decor will change his mind.
I think the brick is beautiful! If you lightened up the ceiling and cabinets it would be perfect!
Laura, I am a fan of brick, I love it, and I love the look in this kitchen. I think it will be fabulous after you lighten the ceiling. How exciting your week must have been, but I bet your head is spinning!
Laura, yes, yes, yes to the brick! It is a very desirable feature in a lot of Southern homes, especially in Louisiana. I think your ideas are great. I love it!
What a great space! The ceiling is absolutely gorgeous and I love the brick!
I actually love brick in the kitchen, and have started to notice it more and more in designs I see. A brick floor is another thing that I had never considered, but now would love.
That looks like a beautiful kitchen. I love brick and hated when it was painted, but now that alot of people are painting it I like it.
That first picture is gorgeous, Laura! I wouldn't mind brick in the kitchen as long as you have enough natural light. If we had brick here in the condo kitchen I probably wouldn't like it because it is dark enough as the kitchen is on the side with no windows. Even with off white cabinets and light colored walls it is not as light as I'd like it to be so brick would probably make it twice as dark. Love your idea to paint the ceiling. I think it would look great and it sounds like a good compromise with Mr. Décor!
I would LOVE brick in the kitchen! I think I actually pinned one of your photos with the white beadboard ceiling some time ago. I love that look. Funny your husband was initially opposed to painting it! Mine would be, too! Thank goodness for Pinterest:) My wish list would include the white ceiling, painted white cabinets and white washed brick.
xo Kathleen
I like the brick and antiqued cabinets in the first photo as well as the lighter brick and cabinets in the last two photos, but the darker brick and oak cabinets with the stained wood ceiling in photos 2 & 3 do seem dated and cave-like. Jenny Komenda of Little Green Notebook purchased a home with a similar brick area in the kitchen. She painted every bit of it in her interim “make it work” remodel:
I love the design of the kitchen and yes, some paint would lighten the room and open it up. I know it would be gorgeous when you finished with it.
P.S. Is it near me?
Wow, that is one gorgeous kitchen. I love the brick, and agree that the ceiling would look wonderful painted white. I haven't seen anything even close to that in our search for a home. I'm a wee bit jealous!
The exposed brick is a beautiful element, Laura. This is a beautiful kitchen. What is it, though, about men and their apoplexy at the thought of painting wood???? (my husband is exactly like this at the thought)
I LOVE the brick. I agree that the ceiling needs to be painted. Love the washed look of the brick too. It will be fabulous when your don with it.