I have slowly been adding a few fall touches to my home, some to create sweet dreams of cooler temperatures.
Before Pinterest, I would often tear pages out of magazines and place them in clear protector sheets that were organized by room in a binder. One image came from Victoria.
The snuggly layout featured darling sheets from Pine Cone Hill. I adored the “Love In Bloom” hand embroidered pillowcases. As well as the “His & Hers” cases. I did not love the $74.00 price tag.
Longtime readers know of my affection for embroidered pillowcases. I love to sleep on them.
As well as making aprons from worn out cases.
Creating A Cozy Bed For Fall
One day I was walking through Savers (which is like a Goodwill) and something bright and cheerful caught my eye. It was a pair of vintage pillowcases that combined both of my favorites. The price? 99 cents.
They were fairly yellowed and required two soakings in oxy clean to bring back to life.
I adore the sweet bluebird detail.
Once the cases were clean I thought about the sheets currently on my bed. Mr. Décor has not liked the heavy lace edged top sheet since day one. Too itchy and fussy he says.
The other set of sheets I had for our bed… well, let’s just say that they aren’t fit for public viewing. Faded, elastic stretched out…I think they were a wedding gift… 15 years ago. So, it was time for new sheets. For some reason I was instantly drawn to these rosy red sheets by Ralph Lauren I found at HomeGoods.
Me, who loves white, off white, and more white.
A Brand New Look
I took them out of the package and ran them through the washer. Do you do that too? I like my sheets to smell clean, not like the plastic case they came in. I made up the bed and then went and picked Mr. Décor up from another business trip.
Being on east coast time and traveling all day he was exhausted and fell into bed. I stood by the bed to kiss his brow and heard him softly say, “Yesssssss….. I love it.”
What more could a wife ask for?
love all the patterns and textures.
of course he loves it– you made it with love…
very pretty and inviting..
enjoy every moment.
So pretty Laura, what a great look and so cozy too!
That's awesome! Glad he's happy and I love the entire bed!
I love your layering of all the cute prints. I totally agree with you about the handwork on pillow cases. I can never pass them up when I see them. I would happily be comfy in that bed. I am glad your hubby likes it!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Hi Laura, What a find those embroidered pillowcases were. I love the pretty sheets. Yes, I always wash my new sheets to make them soft and to smell good. I love lavender smelling detergent.
Looks wonderful and YAY for hubby loving it too!!!!
Just love it….I have the day off today, you have inspired me to make some changes!
“White, off white, and more white”…hahaha..What about “ecru?” 😉
your pea
So pretty. A lot of work went into those. I have a set that were my grandmothers and I was thinking of putting them in my kitchen window. If it works, I'll do a photo. Have a great weekend. Love the new blog!
Sweet T Ray you made me laugh. Thank you for the memory. 🙂
Cozy and pretty Laura. Enjoy your Fall nights!
Laura, I say what more could a husband ask for!? Amazing Light was shining down on you when you went to Savers (there is one by me as well, I need to spend some time in the linens dept for vintage)Love Home Goods also.
PS Adore your end table!! 🙂
Art by Karena
Oh such pretty linens and I love all the embroidery and lace. The red looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Those adorable pillow cases just make that bed. What a deal you got on them, too.!
Such a great combination of elements for a lovely bed! It's always so welcoming, even in your own home to have a pretty bedroom made up and ready to retire in each evening. I know your husband appreciated it so much!
Have a great weekend!
Looks comfy to me. I too love the old pillow cases, I have many my great grandmother did. Recently I got one free to wrap up something from a auction. A pillow case in perfect shape with little kitty cats embroidered on it. It is a Christmas present now for my cousin…shhh
I so want to do something on our bed. It has been 8 years the same…need a change, something lighter. You did a great job, but of course!!
Good Morning,
I love the look of your blog and I love the pillowcases. Beautiful…You have inspired me. I'm going to be redecorating the master bedroom after the first of the year. Yes, sweetheart will be assisting in the update. Best of luck on your new journey in blogging.
Betty @ My Cozy Corner
Your bed looks beautiful! I love the pretty bedding sets and all the lovely cushions they set up on the beds in magazines but it's too much work for me at night to take them all off and since our room isn't all that large there really isn't any place to stack all of them. I make do with loading up the spare rooms and let the guests figure it out! lol
Nothing nicer than coming home after a long journey and getting into your own bed. Heaven!
Enjoy your nice cozy nest. 🙂
I love, love embroidered pillowcases oh and dresser scarfs too. I have the ones my grandmother made and I just love them.
Thank you so much for your inspiration, you have me running from room to room trying to fluff. Still not very good at it but my rooms have sure taken on some strange looks.
So, so cozy! Thank you for the inspiration. Found you through the Common Ground link party. Following you now and looking forward to it.
That us just beautiful Laura, love those sweet pillowcases, I'll have to look for those when I'm out.
Thanks so much for stopping by, I enjoyed your visit.
🙂 I can't believe you tore a page out of Victoria! 🙂
I did that ONCE, and now those few pages from that edition of May are long gone, and I won't ever tear them out again.
I love Victoria. I used it to design my formal garden and my windows. I just kept several different pages in several different ones open and then I drew out what I wanted.
That is a great deal on the pillowcases! I have embroidered them before and they take quite a while. Have you ever embroidered your own?
Hi Laura! Oh, such a lovely bed and lovely lines! Looks for pretty and cozy.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
i need a cozy bed complete with a cozy bed warmer if you know what i'm saying
Laura, I just love your decorating posts. When I see a new one on my blogroll, I can't wait to read it! This one does not disappoint. I love your bed linens!!! The gingham bed skirt is so pretty with the floral duvet and curtains, and your new sheets are wonderful. I've been meaning to go by our Home Goods for a few weeks now; they have the best deals. Now I'm really anxious to go. 😀
Your pillowcases are beyond precious; that flower arbor and the blue bird. Wow. And they say “His” and “Hers” — just what you wanted. Those were a great find!
Oxy clean is terrific for whitening linens and other delicate items, isn't it? We use it, too.
Great post, Laura, and wonderful fall bed. I know you're glad to have your hubby back.
Denise at Forest Manor
Oh he noticed!!! Looks nice.
I love those sheets, Laura and the whole look of the bed. So welcoming and relaxing. Ann
I love your new sheets (and am so glad hubby does too). I never thought of using worn out pillowcases to make aprons. I have some family linens that I have never known what to do with – I think I need to look at them with new eyes.
Laura, you just amaze me with all the creativeness you come up with … the aprons idea is fabulous! I love your room, the sheets are perfect & those pillow covers are marvelous.
This is the first time I've been able to get on your blog since all these blog changes. It wouldn't let me in but today I used the lnk on FB & WA-LA, here I am.
Yes, I do see the teacup on your bed stand. I am so glad that you are enjoying it. TY for sharing with me this post.
Have a great week, my friend ~
They are so very pretty, Laura. Your bed looks all cozy and ready for Fall, say, some time in January……lol!
I love anything with a touch of Ralph Lauren. Your styling has served him well! Sleep well, Mr & Mrs Decor!
Your bedding looks much like mine! Your new sheets and embroidered pillowcases add a touch of cottage charm to your home in the desert. I too use all my embroidered pieces not just collect and display them! Beautiful!
Your Friend,
Laura this is such a charming post! I am featuring it to day at HSH! Thanks for joining HSH!
What a gorgeous bed to fall into after a business trip – or any time at all for that matter!!!
Beautiful linens!
I thought I was following you but it turned out I wasn't – definitely am now!!!
Have a wonderful day – take a nap!!!
I wouldn't need much of an excuse to if that were waiting for me!
Laura, your bed is just beautiful! I love the mix of the colors and the textures. Mixing it up makes it so much more interesting. So happy to have found your blog tonight! Kim @ Exquisitely Unremarkable
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What a gorgeous bed! Love the colors, and I absolutely love the pillow cases. My mother used to have a lot of those, and I only have a couple of them. I just love the layering you did! Absolutely beautiful!!