Saying Boo to a Bad Bathroom

Because really, swinging doors would not have extinguished the light that blinds anyone who might want to sleep a bit later than the person getting ready. Or eliminate certain bathroom acoustics which really should not be heard. Yes, even after 13 years of marriage. (Let’s keep the romance alive Mr. Bad Builder!)
A Sweet Chandelier
Due to the disastrous real estate market and the fact that our home is now underwater by several thousands of dollars, we have no desire to remodel, so it was time for me to try and love the one I’m with. I had added a vintage planter as a pseudo chandelier awhile ago, but for some reason, I never showed it to you.
Decanting Bath Products
I am one of those girls who appreciates a good long soak in the tub. Rudi the dachshund also gets his weekly bath here. I decided that I really didn’t want anyone to know about my love for Mr. Bubble any longer.
So I raided my kitchen cupboards for some glass containers. Pouring the contents into pretty vessels took all of five minutes and I wondered why I hadn’t done this years ago.
Oh wait! Now I remember, I had small kids. But Sweet Boy is now 10, so glass around the tub is now ok. This liquor decanter was found at the thrift store for $3. It makes me think of Marie Antoinette. Happiness has now been bottled.
For those of you who do have small children, Wal Mart carries some great plexi glass containers which I talked about HERE.
Displaying Antique Towels
I also didn’t like the view while in the tub. It was no fun looking at the shower glass or generic towel that originally hung here.
New Bath Mats
The other issue that was causing me to have hateful thoughts was that my bathroom is apparently allergic to latex. In the 7 years, we have lived in this home I have purchased countless bath mats. Some have been expensive and some have been bargains. It doesn’t matter, within a few months they all look like this on the back. (YUCK!)
I wash the mats regularly and line dry them. But I guess the ultra-dry desert conditions we have here just ruin the latex backings. What I really hated was that I spent WAY too much time cleaning and scraping sticky goo off of my tile floors.
Enter all cotton mats I found at Homegoods. $9.99 for two ~ woohoo! Latex is gone.
And yes, I, of course, have products that I left in their original containers. They are tucked behind the vanity so that the general public can’t see.
So now you know my ancient Chinese secrets. I also really love my thrift store soap dish.
While I still don’t exactly LOVE my bathroom, I am liking it a bit more.
Small changes; BIG difference! I don't love my master bath all that much myself. I think prettier containers would be exactly what the doctor ordered.
And I am going to give my husband ten bucks and instruct him to pick up a bath mat (or 2) next week in Atlanta. We don't have a HG near here, and I was noticing the ratty condition of ours just yesterday.
Debbie's right: Small changes = some of THE most important changes!
On Guam, our CR (comfort room) had no door either. Here's what I did: I hung an attractive curtain rod OUTSIDE the master bath doorway (on the bedroom side, but you could put it on the inside of the CR, too) with lovely finials on the ends. I fed some chunky wooden curtain rings with clips over the rod and clipped to the rings a length of lovely fabric that I just pinch-pleated at the top. I put a simple hem in the bottom and didn't fuss with the selvages. Our curtain-door went to the top of the doorway and down to the floor.
Because of a glass block near the CR and a walk-in closet, the Guam sun was really bright there (FADED CLOTHES, hello; you know in Arizona all about that!). So I chose a cream colored fabric that was actually an upholstery weight. It was not see-through whatsoever.
You could add an attractive tie-back to corral the fabric when it's pushed OPEN– a real live “door.” haha
And I'll take that rack of crisp white linens. Will you take $2.95 for them, please and thank you?
And your adorable bottles! I did that in a guest bathroom once with mouthwash, and I'm getting ready to do it in our master CR with the two kinds (COLORS!) of mouthwashes I use during my oral hygiene regimen. Beauty is as beauty does, girl!
Thanks for sharing your lovely CR! I'm still emptying boxes and putting stuff away. Have done a little spray painting (linked up at the party!) and puttering.
Have a great week! It's storming right now in Manila.
Love all of the neat touches. When out thrifting I will now look at liquor decanters in a whole new light. You have given me inspirtation (and maybe even motivations) to pretty up our master bath! Thanks too for hosting this fun party each week!
Greatly improved!! It's amazing how a few touches can make any room so much happier to be in. Love what you have done, Laura. xoxo Lidy
Hi Laura! I love the changes and I am crazy for your vintage linens! I feel like hopping in the bath with Mr Bubble right now. Thanks for hosting Laura!!
Susan and Bentley
Hi Laura!
Your bath at least seems spacious. If I could redo mine, it would be quite different than the somewhat chopped-up floor plan we now have. Too bad I look at our designer in the mirror every day. No one to blame but ME! 🙂
Your decanters are lovely. I bottled my bubbles two years ago, and it just makes a girl SMILE, doesn't it?
That door would have to have a CURTAIN, and QUICKLY, if I were YOU! 🙂
Great post. (and the soap dish–OH!)
happy falling!
I agree, it's silly that our master baths don't have doors! I found your blog while looking for an apron pattern. The one you made from ticking is adorable. I'm wondering where you like to search for your vintage finds…antique shops, flea markets? Where might a Phoenix gal go to find these things? Thanks!
Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try SAS fabric.
Thank God I've found another woman who won't run into the bathroom while her husband is shaving and use the toilet. {I know many who do!} Some things were not meant to be team effort. What if you frame out the door way to a standard size or add a transom above a standard size door?
I like your updates! The decanter, antique hand towels and soap dish are exquisite.
I understand your frustration with the house, but your home, including the bathroom, is beautiful.
Your Friend,
As others have said, small changes can make BIG differences.
But no door on master baths in Phoenix? GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY — don't Phoenix folk do … well, do?
That's not something you want to do on a public throne.
Around here the fashion awhile back was sinks outside of the master bath, separate from the bath/shower and (ahem) potty. I HATED that idea — who wants to be opening the door before washing hands? You find this in hotels now — I still hate it.
But then I'm a crab.
LOVE that soap dish. If you ever tire of it, it has a home here with me.
2 cotton bathmats for ten bucks? How did I miss that at HomeGoods?
GREAT fun post!
PS Me again … Mr. Bubble is 50? Wow, he looks pretty good for 50. Botox?
I love your blog! 🙂 I became a new follower! Erin
Laura, I too live in AZ and couldn't believe the new homes being built without a door in the master bath. What I have done is hung a tension rod with panel curtains in the doorway. I actually just put it up when I want a little extra privacy or decide on a very late soak in the tub when Precious Husband might be sleeping. Works for me. Your home is lovely – love all the little vintage touches.
Love your “open and airy (maybe not a good thing sometimes) bathroom now. Your touches made it a spa, instead of just a place to sit 'n soak. Good job. I'm sitting here thinking of a way to get more privacy when you need it. Maybe something like a door on wheels, to slide back and forth. That is if you have enough room in the bathroom to slide a door out of the way.
Good luck with that project!
take care,
Hi Laura! I just discovered your great blog today! LOVE IT!! I love what you've done with your master bath! I am glad to link up with you! I am now your newest follower; and I hope you will follow me, too! God bless you!
Love your pretty bathroom! We are under renovations and ours will not be as spacious but hopefully will work better.
As for your door, what about a long sweeping curtain with large rings on a curtain rod. It would cut down on light and 'sounds'!
I have those same matts & LOVE them. Truley LATEX BE GONE 4EVER!!!!!! Love the new look.
your improvement is gorgeous. It is amazing how a few touches can make any room so much happier, I stumbled here and impress to watch your mastering work.
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