Yes, I am of the School House Rock generation. (Smile)
When I was creating the banner for my recent tablescape I ended up not using the extra circular images that Moselle generously added. But I can’t let a good thing go to waste so I enlisted Sweet Boy’s help and he used a circular paper punch on these cute images. Additional images from Moselle can be found HERE.
We were trying to think of how we could use them in a craft or treat for his classmates. I remembered that I had some leftover lollipop sticks (from Michaels cake decorating aisle) and a crafty idea was born.
Sweet Boy glued the stick in between two paper images with a bit of Elmer’s craft glue. I placed a heavy phone book on top of the lolly’s while they were drying to press the paper firmly together. Afterwards the images received a bit of Stickles glitter for accent, Halloween colored raffia bows and one wee button from the old button box.
We added a few lolly’s for decoration in linen bags filled with animal crackers for our neighbors.
The rest of the lolly’s received a small square of photo tape placed on the backside and a piece of candy was attached.
You could also use double sided tape but I do not recommend hot glue as it could melt the candy wrapper.
Sweet Boy will pass out the remaining lolly treats to his classmates on Halloween. As I had everything on hand this goodie was only the price of a bag of candy.
I am a sucker for Reese’s Pumpkins. What is your favorite kind of candy?
Laura, I just can't believe how much alike we are…..Reeses (anything) is my favorite candy. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, Reeses Peanut butter cups were my go to craving.
Please tell sweet boy that the cookies were a big hit, my mom and I enjoyed them thoroughly (we wouldn't share with anyone else) and the Pokimon plate was exactly perfect. Thanks again for your generosity and great cooking.
Love ya'
These are WONDERFUL!!! I loveeeeeee those vintage images…and your boy is soooooooooo HANDSOME!! :):):):):):):):):):):)
How adorable and creative! Any child would love taking these into school! Favorite candy? Oh, I am sucker (no pun intended) for Reeses cups, too, but I also love a 100 Grand candy bar. I get to make 200 ghost cupcakes so divide between my four kiddos this weekend. We ought to be on a real sugar high!
Thank you for sharing these vintage Halloween images from Moselle. They will be put to good use!
I don't eat sugar however when I was a child, the Reeses peanut butter cups always disappeared first from my stash. 🙂
Sweet Boy IS appropriately nick-named. I visited the site you emailed me about and left a comment.
Your Friend,
Reese's pumpkins are my fave (just bought 2 for $1 at Fry's last night). My runner up is miniature Mr. Goodbars. Your lollys are adorable!
OMG! What a fabulous idea. Thanks for the link. It's too late this season, so I will put them away for next.
What a love he is (ok I'm sure he's a little stinker once in a while) and so fortunate to have YOU! I think this must qualify you to be home-room mom of the year!
Darling project!
Have a wonderful weekend.
so Lisa
Sooooo wonderful!! 🙂
And I LOVE Schoolhouse Rock. Sarah loves that too – we have the entire set on DVD.
I like Payday with that salty sweet thing going on!
These are so wonderfully fabulous!
What a “sweet” project! they are adorable and look like fun to make with the kids. I have time to make some for the neighborhood kids… I make them a “swag bag” every year just for the ones that live around me. Thanks for the link!
You just amaze me that you always come up with something for every occassion. These are just unreal. Love the idea. Hugs, Marty
Clever Laura!! These would be so fun to get at school! I love all the images…
So cute. What a great idea, and Reese's is definately my favorite candy too whether they pumpkin shaped, tree shaped or round, they are ALL GOOD!!!
Cute project!!
oh these are cute! too cute! (and so is your boy!)
So adorable!!! Your little man is lucky to have a crafty Momma that spends time with him on fun projects like this! Enjoy him while he's little for they do grow up so fast. I've been kind of out of blogland due to a death in the family. Soooooooooooo nice to come back to friends with cute photos of happy things! Have a great weekend.
Happy Halloween! Such fun and beautiful crafting going on here!
What a great craft! And look at the smile on that young man's face. 🙂 My fav candy has got to be Autumn Mix. Especially the yellow ones that taste like banana. Happy Halloween! Kit
I'm of that generation too. I bought the CD and played it for my 2nd graders. They thought I was off my rocker! But anyway, these are adorable!! I love the vintage feel! So sweet and spooky at the same time!
I love them! Of course I adore things made with vintage postcard images. How happy your son looks, that is the best reward!
What an adorable idea! Your students will love them. I have not bought any Halloween candy yet because I want to be good for as long as I can, but I like the little snickers bars!
Those are adorable, and you sure know how to be the hit of the classroom!
And my favorite candy is candy.
OK, maybe peanut M&Ms.
When it comes to Halloween I just love anything vintage. These images and your wonderful creations are sure to be a big hit.