I recently had an opportunity to meet an extraordinary individual. We are currently trying to rent out the second room of the Fashionista’s condo which is close to ASU. A gentleman brought his only child, a lovely girl, to see the place. It was a moment of Opening the Door to Possible Fear and Failure.
Opening the Door to Possible Fear and Failure
The knock on the door prompted Sweet Boy to answer it. I heard my little boy pause for just a moment and then say, “Hi, welcome to my sister’s place. Come on in.” I quickly realized why my son had paused as I crossed the room. My own heart quickly switched to a loving and welcoming mode as I carefully shook our guest’s hand and looked him in the eye. “Welcome, I said. We are so glad you are here. Let me tell you both a bit about the place.”
After leading him through the kitchen and other rooms of the tiny apartment we talked about the area, the neighbors and our daughters. The conversation was light and easy. After about an hour he suddenly became serious. “My doctor recently asked me if I would speak at a camp for children who have been horribly burned like myself. I didn’t think I could do it. I rarely place myself in positions where people can look at me. Possibly recoil from me. This was like a test to see if I could do it. To go into a situation with an unknown person and see their reaction. I couldn’t believe that your little boy opened the door to me. I can’t tell you who the last stranger was that looked me in the eye.”
Providing Hope
I told him that I have tried to instill in my children the knowledge that everyone has scars. Some are just hidden inside where they cannot be seen. I shared with him a bit of my own background and he was stunned. I believe that his own words were “But, you’re so Donna Reed!” We laughed and I went on to say that I too often kept the door closed on situations where there was a possibility of fear and failure. It made me sad and disappointed in myself to say this out loud. I was all too guilty of wearing this protective device. We then agreed that we had to use our experiences to bless others. It is my prayer that Craig did go and give young burn victims hope that everything will be ok.
Hard Questions
I’ve been having a sort of inner battle and questioning myself for a while. The kind of questions such as “Am I headed in the right direction?” In His infinite grace, I was once placed in a situation where a woman in my bible study asked me how I could be involved in a profession that is so blatantly not for the glory of God. My first reaction was that I was crushed. My second reaction was that I needed to pray. I was led to Exodus 36 and continued reading for several chapters. For those of you not familiar with these passages, they cover the most minute of details given by God to Moses regarding the construction of His temple. A tabernacle so glorious I cannot even fathom what it might have looked like. But what I took away is that God IS the ultimate interior designer. Not just of temples, but of souls. I am indeed made in His image and filled with the confidence that I am on the path headed towards where He wants me to go.
A Hidden Path
Granted my path is currently somewhat hidden. There is much work that needs to be done. But I believe that beauty lies waiting. Faith will always carry me through any possible fear and failure.
Mr. Decor recently asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a valid question as I dabble in quite a lot. Like so many others I haven’t had a paying job in over a year. But mortgages and car payments continue on. Something needed to be done soon. I was then asked “If you could do anything, what would you do?” If I were given the choice between a high paying design job in a million dollar home with an unlimited budget or a complete wreck of a house with a little budget that housed a lovely, deserving person my choice would be quick and easy.
Be A Blessing
I have no desire to be rich or famous. Truly, my greatest desire is to be a blessing to others and of course I have small dreams like putting my kids through college. I believe that beauty can be had with a bit of creativity and hard work. If you rescue previously unloved treasures you can stay within budget and also help the planet. This is a win~win situation. So my mission is to try and figure out how I can bless others with the gifts that I have and still make a living. I imagine that what I need is a sponsor to help open those doors.
Would you watch?
I have said before that I rarely watch tv. Most of what I find on tv is depressing and uninspiring.
But what if there was a show where you would be shown how to take an everyday object that was readily available, for very little money and transform it into something lovely. Would you watch?
What if each episode also featured a blogger who shared a creation of their own clever ingenuity and imagination. Would you watch?
What if those things were then added to a room which was given a high quality, yet low budget redesign of the space. It would be for someone truly deserving. Someone who could greatly benefit from a little design pick me up. Would you watch?
You have a choice in what you want to see on your tv: beauty~ home ~ family ~ creativity ~ inspiration.
If we never attempt to fly, we surely will never soar.
I am a REALISTIC DREAMER. I know that this pie in the sky dream is a long shot. The proverbial needle in a haystack. There is a very good chance that nothing will come of this, which of course will result in PUBLIC FAILURE ~something we all fear. But I am ok with that. I feel safe in the knowledge that I have sent my hopes and dreams out into the world instead of keeping them tightly within myself where they would never be realized. I just know that there are others who also believe and see value in these dreams too.
If we never attempt to fly, we surely will never soar.
No matter what, I am happy that I took a chance and will not live in the land of “What Might Have Been”. If I banish fear and failure, and open the door to my dreams, I just might discover that what lies waiting on the other side is not scary after all. It may be something rather delightfully unexpected and perhaps even perfectly charming.
What’s keeping you from opening your door?
Live your dreams.
You strive to make things beautiful and what's not Godly about that! I'll make sure to vote.
Best of luck with the Oprah thing 🙂 I think it is terrible when people pass judgement on other people. That woman should have never said that to you, I highly doubt that we were put on this earth to judge each other. Do what brings you joy. And I think if you are creating a peaceful enviroment for others and it brings them joy….God can only be joyful about that 🙂
What a wonderful post. My life is full of me not doing things because of fear of failure. It can stop me from doing anything. It is the feeling that I have no control of a situation. I have struggled with it all my life and continue. I seem to be better but not enough to take chances.
As for burn victims, we have two in our family. Both were young children when this happened to them. Other children can be so mean and this caused them to grow up tough and ready to fight which as a teen and young adult can get you into a lot of trouble. They have managed and continue to have medical issues. A very hard way to grow up and live. They need as much help and encouragement as they can get.
Thank you for the wonder post again.
I'd watch that show everyday. Such a great idea. SO much on TV just isn't worthy. Good luck my Dear. I will continue to vote for you.
Laura, what a wonderful post. You are such a precious lady and have such a sweet heart for others. I am so thrilled to know you and call you friend. I have been voting, but will hit that back button and vote more now. Thanks for the insight. God has great plans for you, whether it be this opportunity or something else down the road. Keep that positive, upbeat attitude and God will bless you! Love & blessings from NC!
What a profound post, honey. Extremely well said and I can tell it comes from your heart, sugar.
What a beautiful post. I got a little teary-eyed while reading. And I love all the door pictures, especially that yellow dutch door in the first picture.
I think your idea of featuring a blogger's project is brilliant. If we had any type of cable, I would definitely watch your show. Maybe it will be on the internet too?
Come to think of it, maybe if you don't win you can do your own show and get such a big following that a some network will beg you to do a show for them 😉
Laura, such a wonderful post. I love your story and I do hope that this man gave his talk. Fear is such a tool of the enemy.
I placed my votes for 2 minutes and will continue to do so. Hope you get many, many more votes. Hugs, Marty
Thank you for welcoming that man and looking him in the eye…. I struggle every year when Brookie has her laser surgeries and the way people treat her after them….she is spotted bright purple for three weeks a year…and in those three weeks, people talk, make nasty comments and just are plain old rude to this little girl that doesn't deserve that in her life….and she only has to look like that for three weeks….how would people treat her if she looked like that all the time????? I can tell you that it would push my patience with the human race….beautiful story Laura!! Off to vote for you again! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I really never thought I would read that much this early in the morning…but I just couldn't stop! So inspiring! Thank you for sharing you story! and HECK YES! I WOULD WATCH! Good Luck and have a beautiful day!
There is no failure for those who try! The only failure is hidden within those who are afraid to live and take chances. So what if you don't win the contest… you have won in that you will never wonder. Gods only chance to live on the earth that he so dearly loves is to live through us. In in that when each of us join him we too shall live all the dreams and hopes of those past. I hope WE get on Oparah of course… but if not… what a wonderful journey it still will have been. Thank you for this touching post… I'll be back by to vote! Blessings.
You are a gem! I love your openness. If you don't win, it just means that your door leads to another amazing place. And speaking as a person that's passionate about having a lovely home, I believe that creating a home where we are comfortable, welcoming, inviting, peaceful and spending time together is very close to God's heart. And if you can help people do that, you are a blessing! Lisa~
I love this post! How can you go wrong when you put your trust and faith in the Lord. He has blessed you many talents and gifts and you are using them wisely. Everyone needs to make their homes a place of refuge from the storms out in the world and what a talent to be able to help others achieve this. Everyone needs a special place to gather their loved ones home whether big or small, cottage or castle, well appointed or filled with garage sale items. Home…there's no place like it. Good luck on your adventure.
Laura, you are so right. Success means nothing without failure. You are a winner in so many ways and you have learned from each stumble you have taken in your life. Thank you for passing on your talents and lessons to others. It takes great courage to put yourself out for public consumption and that you have done so is a victory in itself. I will continue clicking the green button. Best wishes.
What a wonderful story Laura. I think you're struggling with what a lot of us are struggling with. We get to a certain point (well, OK age LOL) and wonder if our lives have been meaningful – not just to others but to ourselves. I'm very guilty of taking the 'safe' route most of my life and am still taking it – all those 'what ifs' in my head bouncing around. You have my minute a day and in fact more than one minute. You go try for your dreams!!!
Hi Laura, we don't often talk but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your words, which I recognize as coming straight from the heart. Never give up on your dreams. Never. The OWN is new, they will be trying a bit of everything to see what works. Don't worry. Perfect your product, polish your presentation, make sure everyone sees your inner beauty & personality when you tell your story (presentation). Send it. Resend it. Get comfortable with what you are selling. When you do this you will SHINE.
xx's Marsha
I so hope you win. I would certainly watch your show~it's a wonderful idea. And that woman in your bible study missed the point by being so judgmental. Anyone who brings beauty into the world (not to mention someone who raises such lovely, kind children) is doing God's work. Good luck. I'll keep voting.
you go girl! Just stumbled upon your blog for the first time and love it—just voted! I hope the best for you. Interior design is about making things beautiful, and that's most certainly not a profession that's Godless!
Bonjour Laura,
SUch an inspiring post! SO many lessons we can all learn from. FIrst you've raised a beautifu little boy – da moment's hesitation is natural, but then he kept right on going! That meant so much!
ANd as for the Oprah challenge – I voted for you! Heaven knows TV desperately needs a wholesome, interesting show. Yes the two definitely go together
I wish you every success in the world!
lovely and very timely message,
thank you
Beautiful post!
Yet another inspiring post. And quite coincedental. Last night I saw a quote from Exodus 35 on someone;s blog, so I pulled out my bible and began reading that. Which of course led into chapter 36, which you spoke of.
In chapter 36, not only does it talk about the building of the tabernacle, but there is great detail about the color and the size of the curtains, the woods and stones used. It even tells how the curtains drape and how they were made to connect to one another. It tells the size of all the boards used, how they were used, and where they were placed. It tells the color of the threads used for the needlepoint on the front door, and what those threads were spun from. I could go on.
It's amazing to me the amount of detail that went into the description of the tabernacle and how it was commissioned of God and how it pleases God.
Does God appreciate beauty? Absolutely.
I once had a similar situation as you. A woman in my adult bible class once said that my profession was one of vanity, for myself as well as my clients. I asked her if she took care in her own home to make it pretty, and considered how others might look at her home as they enter. She said of course she did. So I asked her why she felt others who may not have that talent weren't supposed to use the help of another to decorate theri own houses. I reminded her that God himself told the workmen exactly the types of things He wanted in a house of worship, the very place where vanity should be checked at the door. Needless to say, she didn't have much of a response.
For people in our profession, with our faith, I'm sure you know as well as I do that we are often called on to be a reflection of who God is. I have had so many opportunities to subtly minister to others once I've started to work in their homes and get to know them. I have turned many people onto Jesus, not necessarily intentionally, and I am proud of that.
Romans tells us that “all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purposes”. It's sad that so many people think only preachers (et all) are the “called”. All of us who believe are “Called”.
God's timing is perfect, and I have no dobt that he sent that man there on that day just as much for him as he did for you and your son. I dare your son will ever forget that experience.
Keep doing what you're doing. If you don't get the tv gig, start your own webisode series.
I've tried to send you an email a couple of times, but it comes back undeliverable….I just sent it one more time…hope you get it! 🙂
Love ya and blessings
Just found you……so pleased to meet another AZ blogger…..Your blog is beautiful and so very creative.
Gorgeous, both in mind and spirit. I vote often. Your story amazes me.
Hi Laura…this was a beautiful post. As you know I too have auditioned for this show.( I just read you voted for me:)so sweet!!~ I truly believe if it is meant to be….that it will be the person who is suppose to have it. I just put my tape up yesterday. As you can see a lot of time and thought and effort by myself, and friends helping me and taping it went into it. I think we both have a wonderful concept for the show. It really all depends on what they are looking for. There is no way I am going to accumulate a lot of votes in this short amount of time. And as my son so cleverly pointed out to me….MOM there is no way the voting is going to be the only thing they take into account…he is 12, pretty clever, and you know he is right. I only want people to vote if they like me, and the concept….otherwise go on to the next one. I have to say that fellow Zach tickles me…he is so funny!!~ Thanks for the post, it was enlightening..and I wish you the best of luck Debbie
Beautiful post. Thank you for treating that man so well. I'm glad he picked meeting with you as his trial run.
I've been voting for you, but I don't see the counter moving. I would watch your show.
Good luck to you,
Thank you for sharing your 'fear of flying.' By seeing the seed of failure in every success, we remain humble. By seeing the seed of success in every failure we remain hopeful.
Remember Seabiscuit had an inauspicious start, yet became an unlikely champion and a symbol of hope to many Americans during the Great Depression. My money is on you!
Your Friend,
What a heartfelt post Laura! We all have different gifts and you are obviously using yours for His glory:-) I am so proud of you for going for your dream!
Beautiful post, Laura. You are not alone in your thoughts. I'm so glad I found your blog through The Inspired Room.
I would watch your show.
Follow your dreams,
Goodness, I am almost without words. I do hope your readers come thru for you and that you continue to glorify God in what you do!!!
Great post, sweetie!
This post was one of those where my finger hesistated for just a slight moment before I hit the publish button. It is hard to lay your heart wide open to the world. But once again your love and support has shown me that in keeping what is real, beautiful and good open in our lives can never be a bad thing.
Bonnie: There is no way to thank you for your kind comments but I wanted you to know that I appreciate you!
Be blessed and may everyone open their doors!
Laura, I'm so glad you came by this morning. I'm going to do a post and link to this current post you did. It's really insightful and full of God's Truth!
Love you, dear Laura,
what an inspiring post..thank you! I will surely vote for you! I enjoyed all your photos of the 'half doors' I love that look…
I'll be back!!!
… and we have just begun our new friendship … I will be reading and re-reading this thru out my day today …
Beautiful post. I am a new follower and would love for you to come over for a visit. XO MARY
HI!!! I just started hanging out at your blog!!! Wow!!! I am glad you all had such a warm heart to greet your visitor!!!! I am really loving all of your decorating pics!!! Best wishes on the Oprah show!!! Does sound like lots of fun!!! hugs
Laura ~ this is such a lovely post and so inspiring! I thank God for your gracious spirit and heart!
You're a blessing, I adore you, and am soooooo glad we met through blogging!!! I've voted and voted again and again. In my opinion, YOU are the BEST one on there!!!!!
ha…how wonderful it is, that God gave you wings. 🙂 Perfect post from you, sweet friend, filled with wisdom.
Is there anything more “unvain” than helping people create havens of their homes for all who enter there? God loves beauty! Otherwise the world would be utilitarian and grey.
He also loves you, and so whatever happens, I know it's the right path for you.
xoxo Lidy
Laura, loved this post! I just voted for you! I wish you luck. I'll mention it on my blog later this week!
What a beautiful and touching post, Laura. My first thought as you pondered your direction was “Let Go, Let God.” So often people have this jaw-grinding will to effect a certain outcome in their lives and professions, or to “make money.” If we pay attention to the doors that open and the doors that stay shut and realize where our unique talents are needed, I believe we can find that natural place in the universe, the place where God wants and needs us to be. When we're in that groove, there is no need for Fear, and I think there is no failure. It seems you are where you need to be, now.
Life is like a novel; when you're in the middle of it, you're saying My Goodness! Isn't this crazy?! But when you look back, it all makes sense, every high, low and setback; it retrospect, it all makes perfect sense, like a book or a movie.
And speaking of movies, I am hoping you will pursue something on the screen; some longer video posts or podcast, if OWN doesn't come knocking. You are a total natural at this. Keep your eyes peeled for something special to come to you through one of those lovely doors…Love, Andrea
Laura, This is one of the most beautiful and inspiring post I have ever read. You are truly a very special lady.
xo, Sherry
Oh, Dear Laura, this is one of the reasons I just love you so. You bear your heart! You are truly gifted and talented! God has given you these gifts and you know it! It's a wonderful thing to know how to make pretty and you do.
I wish you the best with the OWN! I would watch you in a heart beat and I know others would too!
I do believe you're heading in the right direction. Your heart is turned toward God and His words say – he'll give us the desires of our heart. Whether it's the OWN thing or not, He'll take you where you're supposed to be.
Be a sweetie,
shelia 😉
Hi Laura
I so enjoyed your post and I can't agree with you more. We all have our own relationship with the Father and our assignment for Him are all different – that religiousity is a mountain that God is breaking down today. He has given you a gift from Him and it is up to you to use for His glory. He has been speaking to me also and is closing some doors right now, I can't wait to see the ones that He opens.
I went to vote and I pushed the button for over a minute… I will do it again tomorrow
Many Blessings
Beautiful post. What a testament to you as a mother that your son was so open and graceful in that difficult/awkward moment. Since my own boy became disabled several years ago, I so value young people who can see the person and not the difference.
I'll be clicking for your vote for sure !
oh and I LOVE all the “dutch doors” !!!!!
Thanks for stopping by Lavender Hill,
I am constantly challenging myself and pushing myself to face my fears. I have such respect for others who do the same!
You've got my vote.
I'd definitely watch.
One of the sweetest stories I have ever read on a blog or elsewhere. Be Blessed indeed!
Hi Laura I just found your blog via Debra of Common Ground…and I love this post !!!
I am an artist and vintage Antique re-purposing maniac ..and its what I do for a living.
Just this morning at the Dr.s office the Nurse asked me could I really make a living doing it. Well Yes and No. I squeak by every month and it doesn't make me rich .but I love it more than anything else …it's the gift God gave me …He never promised to make me rich ..but he brought me happiness through the artistic gifts he provided me.
I have questioned many times if what I was doing was to glorify God ..and at times I failed to see that I was..through many situations I have been able to be a witness to others as well as speak to them about God. Evey item I make and find to sell or re-purpose is because of him ..and not me ..therfore the work of my hands is truly the work of Gods hands ..his creativity flows through me and brings a smile and delightful charm to the hearts of others that have been given gifts I do not obtain .such as a Dr. Nurse. Teacher, Janitor, cashier, fastfood worker, Lawyer …etc ..Everyone has a gift ..it's how they use that gift that glorifes God I have learned.
I must admit ..Oprah is not someone I support ..I truly pray that her network will embrace wholesome values and complete goodness …and lays aside the sad modern ways of today …I will head over to vote for you as I know God can use just one strong soul to touch the world ..and I pray that if this is his next season in life for you ..that he will work through you to touch a world in need of his Free and Beautiful Gift.
Blessings ..Sara
Love all the doors!!! I hope you win…I am pulling for you!
I had faith in you from the first time someone directed me to your story about your graduation and your life. Then, when I read about the Oprah bid, I thought, “How perfect!” I am all for anything that helps to bring beauty to this world, especially on a budget, as our country and a good part of the world is struggling, economically. Instead of feeding people pipe-dream make-overs that few can afford, we NEED more people like you showing us how it can be done beautifully and not necessarily expensively. I have voted, often and will continue to do so!!!
xx Suzanne
I'll vote…sounds like a delightful idea. I Loved the photos of the doors (reminds me of my favorite TV show as a child – Lassie – they had a split door!!) Good Luck!
Hi Laura,
What an amazingly touching post! I voted for you but I will go back and vote again! I love your concept and I love the idea of having bloggers who create things on a budget on your future show. How cool! Your son is amazing too, just like his mom. What a story and thank-you for sharing it!
Hugs, Cindy
Laura, I admire you for going for your dream…which means you are not, and will never be, a failure…by anyones terms! You know, I think that woman who said that to you was about as completely opposite of what God wants us to be and act, as possible. I believe God wants us to nurture the talents in others, not try and make them feel bad about them. Your talents are many and I know you are, and will continue to be, richly blessed. I just love your Mr. Decor…how wonderful and supportive is he! What a great guy, you have there! You have a special, sweet son, too…speaks so highly of you and Mr. Decor!
Great post, Laura. I'm heading over to vote right now.
Oh thank you Laura, blessings on all your endeavors and I'm praying for God to lead and guide you in this, what a wonderful testimony!!
What a wonderful story!
You're very brave. Your purpose would be helping most women decorate. HGTV is just too high dollar and for the rather well off. Your idea is to reach out to the majority in a very helpful way. Since I've started blogging and learning how to do so many projects, my family really appreciates how the house is looking. They say it's much happier now. I just went and voted a bunch more times. Good Luck.
A sweet post from a sweet lady–and I have voted for you several times now–will do some more!
Yes, I would watch!
Laura, this is beautiful and so well said! You are making homes lovely, warm and welcoming for people and that is a BLESSING.
And heck YEAH I'd watch!! 🙂 I'm off to vote!!
Dear Laura-
I read this post, as well as your graduation post, and I was inspired.
I was also inspired to say (because I was thinking this as I read),
'she is already doing it'.
There is no waiting in this story- the beautiful story you shared.
You are doing it right now.
You are inspiring, bringing beauty and peace to those you meet, and creating beauty in all the ways that are authentic and genuine.
Those are the best kind of makeovers.
There is no career decision here-
you are already doing it.
White Spray Paint
At one time I too struggled with the whole decorating vs glorifying God thing, however I found Prov. 14:1 was a big help. Using your talents and gifts to bless others family included does glorify God. I use my limited decorating skills to bless my family, my church and others by giving insight, vision and by just plain decorating for special functions. Never look down on your God-given talents and don't use them to puff yourself up.
Oh Laura ~ your video is fabulous I really found myself wanting to see more more more. You were great. Best of luck.
Good for you for giving this all you've got. You won't have anything to regret for trying! I opened two webpages and voted for several minutes on both pages. You're right..it doesn't count the vote right away. Good luck but we love you whether you win or not.
Laura, what if you changed your thought about failure? What if you believed that there is no such thing as failure? That everything you have, do, see, hear, experience, etc. is part of the plan for life? Even the things that seem negative, wrong, or incomplete. They are often the most significant because they inspire reflection, personal growth, and development of wisdom. You are on the right path, my friend. You cannot fail at being you. You are the only one who can do it. And you are doing it perfectly.
I wish you luck with your venture… 🙂
What a sweet story! I would watch a TV channel like that every day! I miss some of the old decorating shows HGTV used to have on, such as Kitty Bartholomew, etc.
Years ago I went to a church that had a ministry to reach out and help young people. My friend was a natural home decorator and her ministry was to go to people's homes and redecorate using what they had (not buying much, if anything, unless they wanted to.) I even joined her team and helped as it quickly grew very large! It was a wonderful ministry that made others feel better about themselves. How can that not give glory to our Lord? It touched many lives!
Laura, this post has touched me. I have no self-confidence, and I do not take chances. The biggest chance I take is hitting that “publish” button each time I post to my blog!! (I know, I'm a ninny). I am not a designer; I am not artistic, and I really feel I haven't much to share, so each time I post, in the back of my mind, I'm thinking I shouldn't post this. I'm so inspired by your courage to take the chance and pursue your dream. I've been voting for you and will continue. Sorry this is so long, but since I've made it about me, I do want to be sure to tell you that I think anyone who uses their talents to help a family feel that their home is a refuge and a wonderful environment for coming together, is doing God's work in a huge way. laurie
This is a wonderful testament to the person you are, that God created, to do His work and glorify Him. God used his incredible imagination to create this beautiful world. How could He not want us to honour Him the same way?
There is no fear where God's perfect love exists. “Fear not and go in peace.”
You are on a wonderful journey, no matter where He takes you.
I will be voting and hopefully watching you on TV soon.
Have a blessed week. Pam
I would rather open the door and face the possibility of failure, than spend my whole life regretting a lack of action. Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony. The gifts and talents you have are from the LORD and you are using them to honor Him.
i voted – you have such inspiring ideas that i would love to see on tv. best of luck!
thanks for stopping by my blog. i have been on vacation for a couple weeks so i have been a bit out of touch.
keep dreaming.
Dear Laura~ ~I have tears of joy in my eyes as I read your post. I'm so proud of you as a woman for facing your fears. I am going to vote for you right now. I believe in your idea for a show and I believe Oprah will too!
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Keep that 'Prairie Spirit' going, girl!
I have been following you for, I believe, a year now and faithfully. I feel as though I could sit and sip iced tea and have a lovely conversation with you catching up on the past year and I would 'remember' everything as I have read it! Your words are inspiring! I really need your snail mail address as I have something I want to send to you. Email me at ichopfoods@yahoo.ca.
Kindest regards,
Thank you so much for sharing what is going on with you. I adore your blog…it has been an inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing what you learned about in Exodus. So sorry about the ladies comment about your work not being godly I so strongly disagree I think of Proverbs 31 woman vs 12 SHe selects wool and flax and works with eager hands…vs 22 she makes coverings for her bed… vs 24 she makes linen garments and sells them and supplies the merchants with sashes.
I could go on and on about how the Lord has created us to create, he gives us a blank canvas to add too…wish I had not missed the voting or I would have voted for you. May the Lord bless the work of your hands and may you be able to bring Him praise through it. thank you so much for sharing.