Friday Freebie My name is Laura and I’m a Ribbon A Holic. Yes, it’s true. I have so much ribbon that if I laid it out end to end, I could probably reach China and back. Do you suffer from this affliction as well?
Friday Freebie My name is Laura and I’m a Ribbon A Holic

It also looked pretty cute pinned on a pillow.

But this is how she ended up using it. Her book bag has never looked better.
Later on, I was perusing blogs and came across the talented Elizabeth Holcombe. She is featured on page 25 of the March 2009 issue of Romantic Homes. She inspired me to add a few of the vintage charms, and bits & bobs that I use in my jewelry designs to create a corsage for my niece to wear at her upcoming baby shower.
That led me to create a corsage for my other niece to wear to her bridal shower.
Then I remembered my sister in law Melody will soon be celebrating a birthday.
Which made me feel all warm and fuzzy… kinda like Valentine’s Day.
Pink fluffy love.

Hearts and flowers forever!
I wrapped a few up to give as gifts.
But there is a few leftover, along with some new Valentine jewelry in my Etsy shop.
Now on to Friday Freebie!
I still have a lot of ribbons left. So I thought I’d share some Valentine colors with you. I have also included a small tray you can string ribbon through, lace doilies, some bits and bobs, and of course, chocolate, candy, and tea.

This contest is open to followers of this blog, also known as “Adorable People”. Please leave me one comment.

There is another contest open to everyone. Over at Bella Casa’s blog, she is hosting an Etsy party. Yours truly donated a Vintage Valentine Lovers Necklace. You have until Friday evening to enter.
Good luck and much love!
Hello! 🙂
And I thought I was the only one!>I love ribbon…buy it all the time! I love to decorate my packages with pretty bows rather than those store bought kind.>But these corsages, etc that you have created…they are gorgeous!>Hope I win!!
How cute are those ribbons?! I love the valentine’s one.>>I love ribbon. I use it on all of my packages which is so mundane. 🙂 I just think it’s pretty to look at.
Ohh those are so pretty! I am also a ribbon~a~holic lol I can not stop buying ribbon. I have boxes seperating them in colors. It’s so bad at times I don’t even want to use them I just like looking at them. Besides you can never have enough ribbon. Enjoy your Day>Peace and Blessings>Cheryl..Snatch Joy!
Those are beautiful! Great idea too! So pretty they make a gift with a gift when you wrap a present up with those beauties.>>Sign me up for your giveaway! I’m a follower. I love your blog.>>I’m having a giveaway on my blog too so stop by if you have not yet signed up.>>Hugs,>Joanne
Laura, I LOVE your pretty items! WOW esp. the pink ones, lol.>And love to be entered in this wonderful give-away please.>>LOVE ribbon and lace and am always browsing the isles in the shops when I see some. And most of the time I leave the store with some treasures 🙂>Many hugs from Marian ♥
I love ribbon, too! And you have some beautiful leftovers! =)
Well, sign me up! I’m one of your adorable people and I can ALWAYS use more ribbon!
I was afraid to read this post because ribbon is one vice I do not have right now… but I see it changing rapidly! Those corsages are lovely!!>>Thank you for entering my name in your contest!
Those bows are SO cute. I can’t get over your creative self. I do not suffer from being a ribbon-a-holic, however, I have 13 rubber maids full of material in my storage room. I did make use of some of them a few months ago when we had a home made Christmas, but I still need to come up with a lot more sewing projects.>>♥hugs♥
Wow, your ribbons are so pretty. I love the colors for your Valentine’s Ribbons. Thank you for your giveaway:)
Oh my gosh!!!! I love those…especially that really bright pink and colorful one…I am a follower!!!!
Oh wow, all the colourful ribbons cheered me right up. It is grey outside, so cute little things do help. Thank you>>juan_hurrican (at) yahoo (dot) com
Laura, squeeeeeeeal, those are adorable!! I make pins for myself also, but those are quite adorable, chickee……..>Smooches,>Connie
Ohhh soooo pretty !! I love ribbon ! (I follow you)
Hi Laura, I am happy to say that I am afflicted as well! Your ribbons are just lovely and I would love to win your very generous prize.>>Thanks,>MGM
Lovely Ribbon! I would love to use this stuff in a project.
You are so very clever with your ribbons.
Those corsages/bows are soooooo cute. I’ve never seen anything like them. Very creative…and I love the fact that this could be a corsage to keep forever, one that never wilts. >FABULOUS!>>Deanna>deanna(DOT)franks(AT)bxs(DOT)com
those are fantastic!! and who doesn’t love ribbon???
You are so very creative. These are so very cute and I love your daughter’s book bag.
Your ribbon bows are beautiful. I just joined your followings.
Hi Laura!!!>Your ribbons are so pretty!>Hugs.
How beautiful and how fun ~ a giveaway! >>I’m already a huge fan of your charming Valentine’s jewelry. Daughter and I love our bracelets. >>~Linda
I’m having so much fun blog-hopping and making friends this year.>>Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I’m chosen as the lucky winner!!!
Oh my! You are very talented… I have ahard time tying a ribbon at x-mas.. and make it look nice… >( I know how to make a knot 😉 )>>They all looked so sweet!>>Monica
Wow, what a fun giveaway! Love your prize ribbons, that sounds like fun to do. Maybe next year…!>Have a wonderful weekend!>Jill
How cute! >Thanks for an opportunity to win this!>ellybean (at) >
I love ribbon too, and I just became a follower thanks for entering me!
I really enjoyed the ribbons and corsages you made….you were on a roll….
Wow you are so talented!! You can never have too much ribbon – they make everything prettier!!>Heather at
Laura…you are definitely a kindred soul. I have an ENTIRE cabinet in my studio filled with ribbon 🙂>>I love your corsages. My dress form in my studio is adorned with one of Beth Holcombe’s creations. Isn’t she wonderful? >>Have a wonderful and creative weekend!>>LuLu~*
You have been a very busy, busy lady again. Love how you are putting that ribbon to work instead of waiting for the next project (as I would do). >>Love all your creations!!>>xoxo>Jane
These are gorgeous! You won me over…I’m a new follower!
I love ribbon too. I’d love to win. Actually I need to buy some more ribbon for some Christmas Ornaments I am working on. I need more colors than I have. Some of your colors shown in the picture would be perfect for some of the little boxes I am doing. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Good luck to all.
ohh those are so cute. I especially like the ones with the rings on them. if i didn’t win would you be willing to make me one? lol I’d pay what a cute little keepsake
What pretty ribbon. I’d love to enter your giveaway and hope I win!
I have a ton, and I wrap freely with it. But I love what you have made1 I must try it!
Gee I’m so happy I found your blog for I love all the little corsages you made with ribbon…it’s true, we can never really have tooooo much ribbon!!! It can be used to wrap presents, create all kinds of neat things..I’d love to win this giveaway as my stash is low!!>Blessings hon..>Bevie
Looks like you have been very busy thinking about everyone and crafting for them too. I’d love to win the ribbon gift pack. I never have enough ribbon. Thanks
ribbon addicts anon too- count me in
These are very pretty. I am addicted to ribbbon, thanks for sharing.>>ceashark at aol dot com
I love those ribbon corsages! Such cute gifts! You did such an awesome job making them. I would love to be entered in your sweet give-away!
Well, I would just happen to be THAT follower. Thanks for the chance to win…
You’ve been a busy girl. Love them all. I think any one of them would look great on a jean jacket. Mimi
so clever and beautiful! you certainly have an eye and talent to match! I love ribbon to te point that I sometimes just let it set out and don’t want to waste it! silly? yes!
I just signed up to follow you – can’t believe I didn’t do it earlier. I adore your blog. (get it?) 🙂>>Lovely ribbons.
these are beautiful!
Am a ribbon lover also but can alway have more!!! Great idea for using all that ribbon!>>blessings>mary
You’re so talented and creative! I adore ribbons and keep every one of them that comes my way, but I’ve never known what to do with them.>>I just became a follower!
I am following your blog..thanks so much!!! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com
I love them. I adore them. And I love the fact that one idea leads to another, to another, to another etc. Heaven forbid that we make just one. Hey isn’t there a potatoe chip commercial out there about “bet you can’t eat just one” LOL I would love to win your bundle of joy. I can already envision some great craft ideas. Thanks for all your wonderful inspirations.
I do love ribbon! The corsages are a really fun idea. Your daughters book bag is so cute.
I love all of those gorgeous ribbons! I too am a ribbon-a-holic. Love what you made with them!>>I have something for you over at my blog. Be sure to stop by later if you get the chance!>>Hugs,>Kathleen
Hi Laura! Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my 50th post giveaway. I’m off to take a look around your blog some more.
Ohhh the things I could do with ribbon!!
Boy do I love ribbons. I have quite a collection. I have had your blog marked as a favorite on my blog and I just signed up to follow your blow. Would love to be the winner. Blessings….Sherry
Oh my ,what you can do with ribbons , I love to untie>Thanks>
You have the best giveaways! I love your blog and have passed along an award to you. Head on over to my blog to claim!
Wow! Pretty ribbon! And you make it look so fun!>-Kim
Ack! So pretty!! I’m not a ribbon-a-holic, but I’m Eileen and I’m a paper-a-holic. I KNOW I have too much to use in several lifetimes, but gosh, I keep finding such wonderful treasures. >>Blessings ~ Eileen
Wow, you were very creative this week! BTW, we are going to the zoo on Monday!! Have a great weekend.
i am a new follower. i love the bows that you have made.
Oh I love those! So pretty! One of my fondest memories is when my (now gone) Mama and I found a ribbon store in Branson. Nobody got real souveniers…we spent it all on ribbon! I’d love to be in your drawing.
I’m a new follower. What a cute blog.>>=) melanie>>melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Ok, you’ve been busy.>>I love what you’ve done with you ribbon addiction. >>Ciao
OH I love ribbon too! I tend to buy ribbon whenever I find it. Please include me in your draw…one can never have enough ribbon!>*smiles*>Carol 🙂>
We all love ribbons what is it about them? You always have such a fun ideas.
How wonderful!>I have a lot of ribbon so you gave me some inspiration, yhank you for that!>Bodil
I love ribbons too, and they are so pretty
What adorable corsages!!! And such a nice keepsake for the person receiving them. You have inspired me. I used to make all my daughter's hairbows when they were little. I love ribbon too!>You are so creative! Thanks so much for sharing and please enter me in your giveaway. Love & blessings in NC!
Oh, these are absolutely lovely. I love the wedding one as my daughter is getting married this year. What a great idea! You are truly a gifted and talented person.
I am a ribbon and fibers a-holic also. What a sweet giveaway!>~Dawn
Those are soooo fun! Love them, please count me in! >>~Liz >>PS thanks for posting on my giveaway! >Your name is in the hat! : )
very pretty, hope I win
These are really cute pictures & creations Laura! You will be thrilled to know that Blissful is going to have the most amazing ribbon for you very very soon!- We already have ribbons for sale by the yard- but we just ordered the most scrumptious vintage and french ribbons I have laid eyes on. We will also have vintage flowers and such which I know are right down your alley.>xo-K
Happy belated Pink Saturday!>>These photos are fantastic. >your blog is great like always!>>xoxo
Woohoo! Thank you for making my day. 🙂
They are gorgeous, Laura!!
These are very cute! Came over from SITS.