Footstools are the diminutive little sister of the ottoman. I am currently Desperately Seeking A Footstool or two. This lovely painting by Mary Cassatt will give you a hint as to why I need two footstools.
Desperately Seeking A Footstool

Accepting defeat, I am now trying to come up with ways to lessen the impact on his spine. I don’t really have the room or the desire for a ramp or doggie steps. This leaves footstools. I already have one in my office that he uses quite willingly, so now I need to find one for the living room and one for the family room. I’ve checked all my favorite spots such as Homegoods and Kirkland, but can’t find one that would really suit our decor. I did see this classic footstool from Ballard Designs that can be upholstered in a wide range of fabrics or COM (customers own material).

Checking out Etsy, I found this Scottie footstool from Good Wood Dogs. It’s perfect if you desire kitsch.

eBay Offerings
Also high on the cute factor is this footstool currently up for bid on eBay.
More eBay offerings.

The following two images are up for auction. I REALLY love the second stool. It has that certain something that says, “I want to live in Laura’s home and be jumped on by a very cute dog. ” 🙂
Of course buying a footstool specifically for a dog leaves some people wondering if I will soon be hanging the artwork of C.M. Coolidge, an American painter best known for his series of humanized dogs, on our walls.
Even though his “Bold Bluff” and “Waterloo” sold in 2005 for $590,400.00, I promise I will not go completely to the dogs.
Aw, your sweetie dog looks just like my guy looked. He was a red miniature dachshund too. He lived to be 15 1/2 years old, and I always said that he was the luckiest dog in the world as he could do anything he wanted. Oh, he is sorely missed! He was our second dachshund, and he was the BEST.>>I hope you can find a solution for your little guy. Perhaps a cloth covered block or stack of old phone books.
Good morning Laura 🙂>>I’m sorry your sweet baby Rudi is having back issues 🙁>>I adore the second little footstool from ebay! I have one of those, but I had to move it out of the living room, so people looking at the house wouldn’t trip over it LOL>>Good luck in your search!>>rue
Of course your puppy needs a footstool. How sweet him sleeping on the couch! Have you checked ar Ross?? They often have really nice ones, I think. Not thousands of dollars, but nice!
Good luck finding your foot stool. I love the second ebay on with they flowers on it. And the Scotty dog looked really cute too. I think it’s great that you are getting your little guy some foot stools! I think we all make exceptions for our dogs.>>(P.S. I will be moving this month and will be seeking some advice on how to make my new Great Room look fantastic! I think we are going to try to go with a Colonial feel, or at least a classy version of pioneer time period. So I may ask you lots of questions.)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! >>I am a sucker for a good foot stool – great post! Thanks also for spreading the word about ovarian cancer. It is highly treatable and curable when caught early, but it is rarely caught early.
Awhaa, poor puppy! We got those pet steps… don’t bother. They aren’t deep enough… The foot stool is the best. I like the last one or even the second to the last… : ) >>~~Liz~~
My favorite is the round, needlepoint stool on Ebay! I also wanted to let you know that you package arrived safe and sound today! Love those tags and bookmarks, perfect for my giveaway!
I LOVE footstools too. In fact, I found one the other day at Salvation Army that needs a little paint and recover for $4.99. Can’t wait to get to that project!>>Blessings to you and yours,
There’s an award for you at my blog!
I think I know why you like that second foot stool from ebay. It’s kinda shaped like a little doxie. Long and short. We have a little chihuahua named Rudy at our house who always sleeps on our couch…Mimi
I love footstools. Being short, as I am, I have one next to two beds in our house. I have recliner couches because I can’t touch the floor and it takes pressure off the “old back”. I love ottomans, too. >Have a good week and I hope you find one for Rudi soon.
that is one darn cute dog you have. i’d buy a cutie like that a very fancy foot stool.
Very nice post, with wonderful footstools. I hope you find just the right one really soon.
Oh, that is the sweetest photo of your little doxie!! You’ll have to post about which stepstool you end up with to help her get up onto the sofa!! …Donna
Aww im for the ebay stools such character for your little friend.My fathers dog always had his own footstool next to my dad and sometimes as a step up to my dad.They are both gone from us now but i never see my fathers chair or winnies stool without thinking of those two best friends.Good luck on your finding mission.
I think Rudi deserves an adorable stool to access his favorite napping spot! I am glad to hear that you will not be hanging poker dogs in your lovely home.