Curbside Creativity Inspired By Spray Paint. Once a month we have a bulk curbside pickup in our neighborhood. I’ll admit that I stalk other peoples piles of trash. If I see something I like I usually knock on the door and ask if it is ok if I take it. I have never had anyone tell me “No”. The up side is that my neighbors will now often ask, “Do you want this?” before they toss it. This is probably because they don’t want to hear me talk about the benefits of Freecycle again. Hey, it’s not easy being green.
Here is the loot from a recent dumpster dive, two camp chairs from the 1950’s. Ah, they don’t make ’em like this anymore. Mr. Decor and I love to entertain and we never have enough outdoor seating. So, a bit of spray paint ( a favorite tool of mine) and some leftover fabric from my daughter’s curtains and voila!
My daughter adores this Ung Drill frame from Ikea. For months I heard about how much she loved its shape and would ask if I could think of any way that she could use it in her decor.
Given that her bedroom is very modern in style I began looking for her bathroom. It features a double sink that is topped by one very large mirror that I am not very fond of. OK, I’ll be honest, I hate it. In general, I like to see more a decorative mirror over a bathroom sink. But even a decorator can’t have everything. As moving is in our future, Mr. Decor would like to stay away from unnecessary expenditures.

I decided that I would take the backing off and just use the frame itself over each sink. Of course, a brand new perfectly good mirror in black wasn’t working for me, so I picked up a can of jade spray paint.
As I wanted an aged patina, I added a bit of stain once the paint was fully dry.

Nothing that a wee steeping in a bit of strong coffee can’t change. As we don’t drink coffee ourselves, this is 2 heaping spoonfuls of instant in one cup of boiling water. The trim sat for about 15 minutes and was line dried and then hot glued onto the mirror.

I recently purchased these two pictures online. The seller had excellent photography skills that masked that the frames were very beaten up.
So, I taped off the front pictures, grabbed a can of aqua paint and went to town. I think it’s an improvement.
The close up shows that I distressed the frame with a bit of sandpaper. Now the dilemma is to sell or not to sell. (smile)
Here is my next victim… err project. It will soon be prairie green.
The cabinet was fairly dirty and dirt is your enemy when spray painting. Make sure your surfaces are clean and you’ll also want to use a bit of sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots.
Ventilation and patience is the key. I use a huge tarp and either my (opened) garage or the back patio.
For those of you that live in humid areas, wait until the fall. Your paint will NEVER dry. Because it is so hot right now where I live, I get up at sunrise (5 am or so) and am able to get one to two coats on before it gets too hot and the paint won’t set.
The key is several light coats for a smooth, even finish. Given my temperature restraints, the piece above will take about 3 days to be fully finished.
That’s where the patience comes in.
I always love watching you transform junk into treasure! I’m doing the giveaway thing tongiht. swing by my blog later!
Wow, what wonderful transformations you have made.>I especially like what you did over the mirrors. One question, how did you hang the frames on top of the mirror?>>Great job.>>Kim
What a great idea to coverup the expansive mirror….Love it. So glad I stumbled across your blog!
Hello Happy Home,>>I used the 3M command adhesive hook size medium. The hooks are sold in picture framing departments among other places.>It is one of my favorite products as it pops right off when you no longer need it. >Then I strung a ribbon through the mirror and hung it over the hook.
Love what you did with the mirror frames, saw something similar on an HGTV show. I recently had luck w/ 2 “found” director’s chairs. Should have painted like you, instead I sanded and re-stained. Color would be so much more fun!
WOW! YOu are so good at this! I love seeing transformations and you’ve done a fantastic job! Thank you for sharing.>>Karen
Those chairas are awesome!! come over and say hi!! I have some news on the blog !
Awesome spray can skills!! Love your things, every one of them. Especially love your new cabinet with the cool doors.
from one trash “junkie” to another… love what you have done. and just wanted you to know, that you have been awarded. please got to to see more. 🙂 it is simple, but all i have… havea great day.
I love the frames on the mirror idea. I’m sending a link to your post to my mother-in-law right now, she will love it too.>I live for thrift store finds. And I too have been known to get things from others trash. I’m so glad to hear that you go green as well. Recycling can be so much fun.>Thank you for the wonderful advice and ideas for more fun.>*hugs*>Shimmy
I will never look at trash the same again! I’ve been having such fun doing crafts with “trash” with my baby – when I’m back in the US with more valuable trash on the streets, I will have to start on MY OWN crafts.
Hi Laura, >Thanks for your lesson in what to do with that big dated mirror. We faux painted our bathroom a few years ago but I didn’t replace the mirror at that time. So now to take it down would mean either repainting or trying to match the existing paint. >I have seen this idea before but you really did a good job of explaining how to make it work. >Thanks! >~~Liz~~
i’ve so enjoyed perusing your blog, especially seeing your transformations of reclaimed items. being a sahm most of my adult life, my home is pretty much furnished in this style…at first by necessity, lol, and now by choice.
I love the Ikea mirror idea! I think I may have to copy that if you don’t mind. I’ve never been to Ikea but I always see that mirror here and there around the web and I love it!
LOVE what you did with the IKEA mirror!!
I have huge mirrors in my bathrooms, too – and I hate them! You have given me a few ideas! I can’t wait to see what you do with the cabinet with the pretty doors!
Hi, can you tell me what type of spray paint to buy if I want to spray paint the plastic Ung Drill frame from Ikea?
Not that I'm not creative…cause I am. Just Not like this. When I see Junk it's Junk. Yet other people do amazing things with what I want to throw away!!!
LOVE the mirror frames. GREAT idea!
What great ideas you have. The transformations are fab! I use Freecycle here in the UK but the idea of a kerb-side pick up sounds even better! 🙂
You are a decorating genius! There is no way those chairs were from the 50's! And then they turned out all modern and stuff. I love your idea of framing out a large mirrow the way you did. No one ever wants to rip it off the wall and then figure out what to do, so this saves a lot! Great ideas!
Congrats on being today's Featured Blogger. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Wow, that mirror transformation is awesome! I wouldn't think to hang them over an existing mirror, but I really like the effect!
Wow who would have thought of putting frames on a mirror. It looks great!
Freecycle is awesome! It's amazing what you can do with pre-loved items.
Oh! I love love what you did with the mirrors!
Be sure and stop by my blog and comment/follow. It would really make my day! And I have a photo caption contest going on right now– be sure and enter.
Wow!!! I'm so impressed with your Vision. To be able to see the potential in old junk, and then actually transform it is a skill indeed. You are the perfect antidote to todays “throwaway” mentality. During the current economic crisis we should all be learning to “Make do and mend” and you've given us lots of ideas!
Stopping by from SITS. I love your blog!
Bec xxxx
You do wonderful work!
I already think you're fabulous.
Congrats on being SITS' featured blogger.
Thanks for helping us all be decor savvy. I love your blog.
Oh, that mirror thing was genius!
What great ideas. I especially like what you did with the frames in your daughter's bathroom. Speaking of which, how old is your daughter? That bathroom is huge. I'm 49 and my bathroom is smaller than that. 🙁
Hello Laura,
Your decorating ideas are great! I am always the kind that gets too scared to change things and usually don’t have a clue as how to go about but I like the details of what you have used in each transformation. I am going to keep looking for ideas on your blog may be have a weekend project inspired by you the next time I go to a flea market.
You are the new Shabby Chic! I was always a fan of her books.
Thank you for the inspirations.
Lilliy… new member of SITS and loving it.
Seriously cool beans! Thanks for the tips and ideas!!!!
o my gosh! I would never think of this kind of stuff. your awesome. im a new follower 🙂
Very nice!
Happy sits day to you!
Oh you're like me….love to make old new! I'm a die hard Thrifter/Yardsaler and I'm always looking for a “victim”.
Great Blog!!!!
what a BEAUTIFUL site – I love the mirror idea! I am in the same (big mirror, outdated) situation now. Great, inexpensive update! Happy SITS!
Wow. It all looks great! Happy SITS day.
I love your camp chairs makeover, and the cabinet is pretty cool. 🙂 Stopping by from SITS!
I love those transformed chairs! Trash to treasure—I need to develop that skill!
Great stuff! I love the Ikea frames on the mirror.
I LOVE the idea of the frames on the big mirror! It looks perfect! Great finds!
Just stopping by from SITS. I agree with you about spray paint. I would be lost without a few cans around. It's inexpensive and does so much.
Hi Again,
Love what you do with a can of paint! I can't wait to show this to my husband, he thinks I'm crazy when I say I'll just spray paint it…
I love that bottom cabinet, going to need to look through your other posts and see what you did with it 🙂
OMGOsh, I love those mirrors!
I have a hate/hate relationship with spray paint. My problem is holding down the nozzle. After awhile, my fingers are killing me! And, I'm not sure if it's the paint I'm using or my technique, but I get drips all the time.
Love your craftiness!
Great job! I have visions of grandeur, but sometimes have trouble with follow-through!!!
Love the mirror frame idea, soooo cute! Happy SITS day!
Fantastic mirror idea, I'll have to use it in my bathroom ~ I prefer a more artistic mirror as well.
Wow those are some great finds! Love the mirrors!
Happy SITs day again!
these are great examples of DIY creativity! love the trash to treasures vision.
Congrats on being Saucy today! You're a miracle worker with a can of spray paint.
I am impressed! Those mirrors look awesome.
Happy SITS Day!
Laura, the mirror frames over the big mirror was nothing short of genius. And the camping chair makeover came out so crisp and adorable!
These are some great projects! I'm glad to see I'm not the only person that uses spray paint for projects! 🙂 Congrats on being FB!!!
Ooh, I love the cabinet, I bet it will look gorgeous!! 🙂
The camp chairs are great. You are right, you can never have enough seating, and saving somehting from the trash AND making it gorgeous? – Fantastic!
I really like the frames you re-painted as well – much better color – makes the pictures really pop!
Happy SITS day!! I'm with you on the spray paint and freecycling. I'm the Queen dumpster diver of our street and my neighbors will call to ask if I want it or to freecycle it for them!! LOL! : )
I am in love with the mirror idea. I never would have thought of just putting the frames onto a bigger mirror. That is definitely in the future for my bathroom!
These projects turned out great! I love seeing before and after photos.
YOU are talented. And thanks for the tip…especially the heat one. I didnt know that and have had a problem with that in the past.
I love to paint…anything. Your post had some good makeovers.
Your transformations are just beautiful! I especially love how you updated those camp chairs.
Nice work! I'm very impressed!!
Amazing! I love the frames on the existing mirror…so creative!
I love the frames and the mirros! so vintagy chic and great 🙂
I ADORE the camp chairs!! You know I'll be watching out for some of these at yard sales from now until mission accomplished (sorry I'm such a copy cat – I just am)!
Great work on all the projects!
I love taking something old and turning it into something beautiful. I love that mirror!
Oh so creative!! I love those chairs!
Total FAB, loved all your ideas (and may steal a few!).
Love it!
Love the frames and your new project…off to find out what you did with it.
Beautiful Work! Happy SITS day 🙂
What a great job on everything! You definitely have an eye for this – sure wish I did. I can't see past the “present” to see the gift!
Happy SITS Day!!
Those camp chairs look gorgeous! You are just so inspiring.
Wow – You are so talented. Glad I found your blog!
Visit me sometime –
Too flippin cute. I love the new/old camp chairs! And the mirror and pretty much all of it. 🙂
i've got a couple of spray paint projects in the works too…although i seem to be going the opposite direction from you. i'm doing mine in pewter.
happy sits day! and i'm in awe of your creativity!!
Oh my goodness … I wish I was as creative and talented as you. Those are very cute camp chairs. I never would have thought to turn them into that.
Happy SITS day!!
You just amaze me…
YOu should come by my place next month on Aug. 7th to show of your talents…
I love spray paint! A co-worker and I sprayed an ugly bright blue pamplet holder to a dark sparkly brown so it would match our new office…everyone was impressed and it only took us ten minutes!!
Happy SITS day! 🙂
i have some of those little stools too…..and one of ours is tore too……that is a very cool idea!!!!!!
Now, that's creative!
Gee Anne…..I can't wait to see the cabinet when it is finished. 🙂
Visiting from sits great finds. I love the camp chairs.
I wish I had the time to do creative things like this. Everything is beautiful. You certainly have a gift
Wow! Happy SITS Day…you deserve this day of recognition!
Wow, so cool! It's very inspiring!
Happy FB at SITS Day!
Wow, very inspirational! Being in the middle of a perpetual home make-over, this is a perfect place to stop by for ideas!
So I'm not the only one who finds treasures in trash. 🙂
Stopping by from SITS.
I am always so in awe of your creations! Way to go, once again. What incredible makeovers!
I love your ideas! We are big fans of freecycle as well.
Ooooh! You are so good at this. I just love what you did with those chairs and the mirror frames. You are too clever.
Stopping by from SITS. Love the ideas.
Wow. Beautiful. You have such a great imagination and a sense of creativity. I really love the mirror idea. =)
Happy SITS Day!
Those projects look amazing! I am too much of a spaz for spray paint… And the caliber of bulk trash is much lower!
Happy SITS day! I love those frames..The shape is so cool!
Hmm… what can I make over with spray paint!
Happy SITS day!
I really admire your creativity. Great job, glad I stopped by from SITS.
Happy SITS Day. It's absolutely amazing what you did with those chairs and the mirrors. SO Creative.
A girl after my own heart! My dad taught me how to find treasures in the trash! He has found some pretty fabulous things!
You've done a great job here!
I LOVE me some spray paint! Happy SITS!!!
Ack–so great!
I loooove Freecycle and have blogged about it a few times too. I'm proud that a few people have joined Freecycle after I told them about it. 🙂
way to get creative! Love your page design.
Happy SITS day!
I guess I should start keeping my eyes open for goodies on the side of the road 🙂
What beautiful transformations! From drab to fab! Your very talented!
I love the frames on the mirror…very classic, very creative, very chic!
Wow…I love it!!!
The chair thing is great. What did you use to attach the fabric, just staples or something stronger?
The frame on the mirrors is awesome. We have a new house with all those plain mirrors in the bathrooms. In the master bath, it is actually GLUED to the wall so getting it down would be a major ordeal. Putting something right on top with the ribbon is sheer genious!
Wow awesome job! Love the camp chairs, so cute!
Now – I Really ADORE the idea with the mirrors – that is what i have in two of my bathroom s- big plain mirrors – excellent idea!
My favorites were the mirrors and the staining coffee.
When DD26 had her first apt. in college, we did quite a bit of “finds” and redecorating!
Nice Blog! Stopping by from SITS.
visiting from SITS – love your work and I too use Freecycle it's fab isn't it!
Great job of making the old new again! Thanks for inspiration!
I adore spray paint!! My new fav is the Krylon no prep that works on everything, including plastic.
You are SO creative. I love the camp chairs.
I love what you did with those frames on the bathroom mirror. Stunning.
You're my new guru! Happy Sits Day!!!!!!!! xxx
This must be a record for the most comments I've ever seen. Congrats on the FB.
I love the mirror idea. I've been pondering changing that stupid hollywood type mirror in our bath with two individual ones. This is a fantastic idea. If we weren't selling our house in a couple of years I would steal it.
I love the idea of finding old or broken things and fixing them up and using them to save money. Awesome post.
These are so creative!! Great ideas. Happt SITS day!
Everything looks so good! I love the transformation power found in a bottle of spray paint. 🙂
absolutely amazing! happy SITSta's day!
You certainly have a talent. I'm going to steal your line about being green by freecycling. My husband calls it bringing home junk when I find useful items on the curb.
Happy SITS day!
Awesome transformations!
Happy SITS day, SITStah.
I love what you did to those chairs!
Happy SITS day!
Isn't it amazing what a little spray paint can do??
Happy SITS day! Sorry Im so far behind! We have company! I really love the mirror idea!!! My Bathroom mirror is exactly like that and I ALSO love that frame from IKEA!! Ita actually goes with my Black and white damask bedroom! yay!
OMGoodness! I love what you did with each and every item. What GREAT ideas!
I will starting my very first, spray paint makeover. I'm SO excited! Thanks for the inspiration!
Came from SITS and, OK, now I want to be you. Can I be you without any discernible decor skills or talent?
great ideas – I love redecorating things!
Love the blog & Happy SITS day. Paint is the best and you did wonders with that color on the frame, fun, fun!Jamie 🙂
“Freecycle,” I love that.
Stopping by from SITS! I love those camp chairs, they turned out beautifully!
Nice blog design…and happy SITS day!
What do they say 'one man's trash is another man's treasure' – you're living proof.
Coffee seeping – a great idea.
Coming over from SITS. I love the camping seats and the frames over the bathroom mirror! Those really look nice!
You have some great ideas! I love that you're recycling old treasures! 🙂
Visiting from SITS…my dad still knocks on doors to make sure it's okay that he takes what they have sitting on the curb. I have a perfectly working drawing table thanks to him. ;). He also picks me up tons of great book buys from the local library all the time for a buck or two. Or even less! Nice work on everything featured..they all look great! Always, Sarah Elizabeth
Those mirrors are absolutely gorgeous! I am so glad I found your blog! Stopping by from SITS!
Wow! These are brilliant!
those camp chairs are the greatest.
Wow! Those look great! I especially love the color of the mirror pieces after your done with them. Now I just long to be as creative as you are!
Uh…WOW. I feel very, very lazy right now. Very.