An Airbending Birthday Party

The back of the invitation read:

Avatar The Last Airbender Birthday Party
The interior of the house required some digging into Mr. Decor’s colorful past. He was stationed in Japan and thankfully we have kept his memento’s from that time period.
Yes, the cake was store bought~ and delicious! The red candle, also purchased at the Asian market, is generally used in a Buddhist altar but I thought it made an excellent marker for year 9. Now let me tell you about the cake topper…
I went to 4 stores looking for the 6″ Airbender action figures. Once again the easy button alluded me. I was finally told by a popular toy store employee that the Aang action figure was still available online. I ordered it 2 weeks in advance. The night before the party let’s just say that the Toy Was Not Us. Grrrr! I handed Mr. Decor a picture of Aang and Momo and instructed him to “Build something”.
Can I tell you how much I love that man? In all their Lego glory are Aang and Momo.

Almost everyone who was invited showed up. We take a picture in the same spot every year. It is fun to see how the kids have grown.

Airbender Ideas
Do you know how you can google “birthday party ideas” and numerous sites featuring awesome games and activities show up?. Guess how many ideas showed up when I googled “Airbender Ideas”? Now, you’re catching on~ none.
I put on my thinking cap. For the category of Earthbending, there were two teams and a pile of small stones. The boys had to walk/run with the stone balanced on the spoon to the opposite end of the yard. If it dropped, they had to start over.

Airbender Food

We also had several popular Asian snacks such as the Hapi mixed crackers guarded here by Katara~ a happy meal water bender.
My own little China girl prepared all the food. Cheery red plates held a beige sea of carbs. In my defense the eggs rolls were vegetarian.

Afterward, the boys participated in the fire and air bending categories by enjoying a bit of cake.
Onto the mind-bending. I explained the concept of the Chinese Zodiac and how Asian characters are like an alphabet of sorts.
I found a great website that took names and provided representation in characters. The boys had a fun time trying to guess their names. The take out boxes were purchased at Michaels.

After completing each game successfully the boys were rewarded with a prize to put into their boxes. Air bending whistles, journey aiding compass rings and Asian themed candy made up part of the loot.
I always photograph each party goer with the birthday boy, showcasing their gift. Afterward, the photos are printed and on the back, we write a thank you message. It is a quick and easy way to instill gratefulness in your child, as well as document a friendship.
Ha. I love this. The last couple of weeks I guess “for love” I did two days of birthday celebrations for a 7-year-old “cowdog”. 🙂
Thanks for gritting your teeth and taking lots of pictures of your creativity for us–and just think, next time someone searches for that particular theme birthday party ideas, YOU will pop up! Yay!
Happy day to you, Laura!
NO WONDER he wants Mom to do his parties. I would have enjoyed attending this one myself. I've also done it all for the b'day parties – from 3 carloads of girls up to Pioneer village for a picnic and Little House on the Praire experience to hauling a gang up to Sedona for nature hike and campout. It felt harried and crazy at the time but now that she's grown, I miss it.
You are such an amazing Mom!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what you did!! The decorations are WOW!!!! Loving the photos! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
What a cute party! I'm sure you are the COOLEST Mom on the block! All the kids look like they had a ball.
Hmm, would being an assistant camp director for over 250 children age 9 – 18 on 'vacation' qualify?
Great party! These are the ones children remember. The others are like boxed cakes — they are good but not as special.
Your Friend,
G'morn Laura ~ I love what you created for this party … not that far off from the good ol' days … I commend you.
Well, we come from the era when fancy paper plates, some streamers, a cake & drink … were our birthday party. We played silly games, had prizes & then spent the rest of the afternoon just pal-ing around & playing. Then later the family would gather for a picnic or dinner. Simple, fun & memories to cherish …
Have a beautiful week ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
No wonder you get the 'big eye' plea for your parties! They are AWESOME!!!
What a great Mommy!!!
Thanks for sharing! :o)
WOW looks like a fantastic party~ I wouldn't go out for a party when you can have one like this at home!! Great job carrying out the theme, and the boys all look like they are having a ton o' fun!
Sweet Boy's comment “Mom your parties are better than anything else….” is sure 1000% correct!!! You're awesome! I read this in amazement – you come up with the coolest ideas! 🙂
What have I done for love? too much to mention, but the trip to Florida with 4 teenagers in March/April comes to mind… 🙂
Your imagination is divine! That was so personal and wonderful, no wonder he didn't want to go to the Pizza Place! Job well done and very envied.
Your family is lucky to have you!
Like you, I'm tired! 4 kids almost 25years of parties! B-day parties make me weak! My favorites are slumber parties. I don't mind 12-15 girls in my home and they entertain themselves. I make cupcakes, muffins for breakfast and take pictures! The girls do all the rest! I may not get much sleep but for me it's an easy party!
This was such a great post! You're an awesome Mom! Such creativity!
And I LOVE that post title!
You are the MOM!
I remember our son's 9th birthday party – he wanted to go horseback riding. We did. In the rain. I hate horseback riding and was in tears by the end. Never again. All for love.
Your children are very lucky. I'm 56 years old and I've never had a birthday party.
You are amazing! I thought I made sacrifices “in the name of love” but nothing like this!
Sweet Boy is a lucky boy indeed and it looks like his party was a terrific success. I'm especially fond of Mr. Decor's action figure/lego creations and am stunned that it is still 100 degrees where you are.
You really earned your “angel” points with this–how creative and fun. A memory, I'm sure your sweet boy will never forget.
Laura, are you kidding me?! You are the best Mom in the world. Your theme turned out perfectly!!
Art by Karena
LOL!! I love this post! So cute, creative ….and super job!!!
The first couple of pictures were awesome!! I couldn't help but laugh!!
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
Never, not ever, in the name of love or anything else have I ever achieved what you did with this party. Sigh….my poor kids. I'm glad they don't read their blog. They'd probably turn me in and try to trade up.
Laura, I just love this! You are such a trooper, and the party turned out perfectly! Good job!
Those boys look like they are having a blast. I had to laugh at the “Puss In Boots Face”! LOL! Yes, I know that one. I have a very dramatic young goddaughter. But everything turned out great, and the Legos are a hoot. Just perfect.
Happy Belated Birthday to Sweetboy!
Sheila 🙂