Anthropologie Inspired Tree Topper Craft 3. Late last week I found myself in a certain favorite store perusing their seasonal displays. I picked up their recent catalog and found myself enamored with the Mystic Nest Tree Topper. It was a crown of sorts truly fit for a magical snow queen. Alas, it had a price tag that was also reserved for royalty.
Anthropologie Inspired Tree Topper Craft 3
It made me think about my own tree topper if you call one huge velvet bow a tree topper. It was tired and I had lost that loving feeling. So I grabbed a glue gun and a few supplies and created this:
Materials Needed
This tree topper was made to my taste and for a lot less money. Here are the supplies that I started with:
- 10-inch styrofoam wreath bought for another project over a year ago.
- One white dove found in the still overflowing craft closet.
- Barbara Trombley’s Art Ultrafine Art Glitter, color: moondust
- Jim Holtz Distress Ink, color: vintage photo
- Assorted pearl picks purchased from Michaels after Christmas sale last year for like 22 cents a piece. (I checked and they carry the same picks this year.)
- Wired tinsel in gold and white.
- Vintage sheet music
- Mod Podge
- The good ole glue gun

Music lovers please cover your ears while I randomly tear the sheet music into strips and apply it to the Styrofoam base with Mod Podge.
A Crown For Jesus
Next, it was time to stick in the picks. I made a hole first with a toothpick and then gingerly eased in the picks so I didn’t damage the glitter coatings. (The first pick I just tried to jam into the Styrofoam and it disintegrated.) I didn’t have enough picks to suit my taste so I hot glued on a few mini silver pine cones I had leftover from a display last year. Then I took apart the pearl picks and randomly scattered the beads throughout what I had begun to tell my kids was a “Crown for Jesus”.
Mystic Nest
I’ve seen some aged birds around blog land. I have no idea how they are created. I imagine it may have something to do with tea dying, but I was in a hurry. So I just took a cosmetic sponge and dabbed a little distress ink onto it and then onto the bird. I put a bit of glue onto the beak, tail and wing feathers and then covered the areas with a bit of glitter. I then clipped off a wee piece of tinsel and hot glued it around the neck and covered the ends with a pearl. The bird was then applied onto the crown with the glue gun. Tres Magnifique!
Is it ok to say that I like my crown even more than the Mystic Nest?
While Mr. Decor and the kids thought I had flown over the cuckoo’s nest when I began this project they were eating crow by the time the last pearl was placed.

Of course, a tree topper must be shown on the tree.

Your's turned out beautiful. I love this idea.
Good Morning Laura, Your tree topper is delightful! How talented and creative you are to use so many of the items you already had. It truly is beautiful.
You are the craftiest person ever. I think you even top Martha. Fab-U-lous.
Don't work too hard and good luck!
Brilliant and beautiful. I gotta get out my glue gun!!!
good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Looks great! What a unique idea for a tree topper! I too have a big lame bow. I used to have a star, but the lights in it were red and it gave off this kind of demonic look, so we decided to let it go…
“Gasp” and gorgeous, chickee!!! Ooooooooooooohhhh
just beautiful!
Psst ~ I like yours better, too, Laura! Very pretty! You've got me making a list of what I'll be stocking up on AFTER Christmas at Michaels this year.
You did a GREAT job with this! It is gorgeous!
You did a great job. And Anthropologie is is out of my realm too!
I love your tree topper..much better than the costly one
Oh my gosh girl – THAT IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! I love Anthro – I have to tell you though… I think yours is prettier!
Yep, I said it!!!
;-D Robelyn
Laura, your so creative and I think this turned out great! I love the rustic feel of the branches but also the whimsy of the music notes, beads and bird! I am so sorry I have not stopped by as often as I have wanted to…still in the midst of remodeling. Feeling like I am missing out on all the Christmas decorating. Hoping we have at least one tree up by Christmas. lol Good luck on your term papers and finals…you simply are amazing!! Hugs and love friend,
Laura, it's beautiful! You are so smart. Good luck on your finals. laurie
That is really beautiful. Love it and I am loving these project posts!
Just beautiful!! I think it looks even better than Anthropologies!
Merry Christmas ~ Jenn
It is just AB SO LUTELY FABULOUS..I just love did a great job and now….I WANT ONE FOR MY LITTLE TINY TREE…:)
I like yours better than the inspiration! It's so pretty! Our tree “theme” this year is red, white and silver and I don't have a tree topper yet. I just may make a snow crown for it.
Just lovely! And what a fab idea thanks for sharing. Warm hugs, Esther
Absolutely delightful! I love “nontraditional” tree toppers!
oooh so preeetyy!!
Love the tree crown and yes, it is OK to love yours more than the one in the store. Isn't it fun to see an idea and then make it your own? Fun and fanciful idea. Best of luck on getting all those papers done!
What a beautiful tree topper. It looks great even sitting on the table!
This is GORGEOUS!!! I love it much more than the Anthropologie one and THAT'S saying A LOT from me 😉
As you know how I adore that store, but alas, those prices….
I love expensive store re-dos, also known as “hacks” – yours looks fab!
I love your tree topper! It turned out beautiful!
Wow….you inspire me. I love this idea. Thank you so so much for sharing..your crown is fit for any tree especially your lovely tree.
I love that store, but agree it is quite pricey!!!!!
I shop their sale section!!!!
I love that tree topper!!!! It is so natural and real looking!!!!So amazing!!! YOU are talented my friend!!!!!
You did a awesome job! I am so impressed:)
Aboslutely adorable! Love it, Laura. I think I might have to make one too. Maybe in a vintage distressed pink tone??? You are a crafting star!
Hugs, Tricia
Love it and I am probably the only person on the planet that has never been to that store nor seen a catalog but I think your version is amazing.
That is so freaking amazing Laura!! It makes me want to run out and make one! In fact I think I will!! You rpck! Thank you!
I think it is beautiful!! I am amazed that you created such a gorgeous topper with things you already had…what a talent!
I love that look! The music sheets are the perfect touch- great job!!
That is very close to the original one and I'm sure a lot less money!!
So stunning and amazingly artistic! Thanks so much for the step by step and for linking up today !
Wow! These look great! I love the one with the buttons!
WOW! I saw your blog and it got my attention and then I saw Anthropologie! You and Anthro can't get any better! Love it love it!
What a clever idea, it turned out better than Anthropolgie's, that's a serious accomplishment. Thanks for stopping by today, I'll have to dive in to your blog more tonight! Thanks again for sharing.
Really gorgeous! I love it! Very chic!
Oh! I think this is a FAB idea. I have such a hard time getting all of tree topper stuff centered. This would solve that issue perfectly.
Thanks for the inspiration!
truly gorgeous!!
Once again, yours turned out beautiful!! Mine looks like the glitter fairy flew over my wreath and crapped glitter all over it!
Happy New Year!!