Sweet Boy is really into the Indiana Jones movies so we decided we would have an adventure-themed birthday party. Are You Ready For an Adventure? I made the invitations from scrapbooking paper and cardstock. The interior read:
Gunn Productions Presents:
“A Birthday Adventure”
Starring Prof. ***** Jones
Premieres on September 19, 2009
At ***** (address)
The show will run from 11 to 1 pm.
Call ****** to reserve your seat.
“Indy” inspired attire welcomed.
Are You Ready For an Adventure
At the door, we asked an important question and posted a few rules.
I had gotten the Indy themed partyware on clearance and the raffia and skulls at the dollar store.
Indy stickers, rubber snakes, passports, and confetti rounded out the table decor.
The birthday boy ready for an adventure.
His sister showed up dressed at “Mutt”, Indy’s son.
I think that this crew could outlast, outwit and definitely outplay anything that comes at ’em.

The first game was “Mummy Wrap”. Teams of two were given a roll of cheap tp. We had two rounds so that they could trade places.

Of course, the yard was a mess right after the game, but when the kids were told that the next game of blow darts would start when the grass was once again green, the clean up was quick!
Sweet Boy demonstrated how a simple straw, a few q tips and a lot of hot air could become a weapon.
We needed a target. Enter Tour Guide Gunn.
He was soon overtaken. (Word to the wise, set up a barrier.)
Next up was the search for the lost ark. The first clue involved a quick lesson on hieroglyphics.
The kids had to find their empty loot bag via their hieroglyphic initials.

I made these out of simple brown lunch bags, twine and a hieroglyphic sheet that I downloaded off of the internet. I then cut and pasted each child’s initials onto the bags.
Here is a close up of one of the bags.
They had a total of ten clues and five rewards. Four of the prizes were contained in simple brown bags and the final prize was contained in an ark of sorts. Jungle critters, Whips (Chinese yo~yo’s), Crystal Skull rings, Fireballs and Indy’s plane were a few of the prizes.
Next, it was time to eat.
The kids feasted on:
Fried Snake Skins (bbq potato chips)
Mummy Dogs (hot dogs wrapped in biscuits)
Ants on a Log (celery topped with PB and raisins)
Top of the Skull Sandwiches with oozy filling (pb&j)
Petrified Mummy Toes (carrots)
Camel Lips (apple slices)
Vine Juice (green punch)
This fun fare created shrieks of delight.
As always, Rudi the dachshund joined in on the festivities. He always chooses the messiest eater to sit under. 🙂
After lunch, the natives grew restless and demanded cake.
The number 8 sparkler was a huge hit!
We decided to wash the jungle dirt off of the little cannibals with a hand grenade toss (green water balloons).
The party was a huge success and all of the wild beasts were completely worn out.

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!
I love parties like this!! You did a super job!!
One of the best b-day parties I have seen! You are very creative. I bet you son and his friends had a blast. My little one was also born a month early (4lbs 10oz) and I am learning how fast they grown up (she is 2 now) and at times I wish I had a pause button as most moms probably wish!
Happy birthday to your Sweet Boy!! And what a cool birthday theme, I think my boys would have loved that:D
It looks like a good time was had by all, Laura!! You sure do know how to put on a great party. I love all the cool things you made and of course the creepy menu!!
How very nice that Ann Curry posed with you. I have always liked her.
Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy!!
Enjoy the rest of your week!! 🙂
What a cool party! I love your attention to detail, that menu is too cool!
It looks like they all had a lot of fun, Laura! Your poor doggy looks pooped {but ate well, I'm sure, that day}!
Oh WOW Laura!!!
Happy Birthday to your sweet son and what an awesome Mom you are!!!
First, I was struck by how neat that your son was featured on a news story in that adorable red, white & blue outfit and then I was stunned once again by all of your wonderful creativity displayed in his fantastic birthday party adventure! So much fun 🙂
What a fun birthday party. I loved doing these when my children were younger. Brings back great memories!
Happy Birthday to sweet boy.
Wow, Laura, it looks like your Indy party was a huge success! I used to love to have birthday parties for my girls when they were younger. Of course, we always had tiaras and princess themes 🙂 I'll bet you were ready to hit the couch when it was all over, too.
Fantastic! We had an IJ birthday party just last month for Indy. He is crazy for anything IJ. If you go to my blog and look in the August archives, you can see some of the photos (I haven't posted the rest). We had the same cake topper! Indy came a month early too and weighed in at 4lbs 14oz. BTW, I saw that broadcast!
What a great idea for a birthday party. Looks like from the pictures everyone had a blast. I totally love the cake!!!
Come see my Halloween Spooktacular.
oh so much fun I wish I was 8 again..
What a delightful post! Wishing happiness always to your sweet boy and your family.
What a FAB party! Happy Birthday “Dr. Jones!” He makes a smashing Indy!
The games and the food were awesome. LOVE those goody bags!
The vintage towels in his BR are so pretty.
Fashionista's condo looks amazing. I love the AIW bathroom. Great finds and dumpster dives!!
Happy Birthday to “sweet boy”
my birthday is September 19th and glad to see smiling faces and fun on that day! I spent it under the weather.
Really crafty ideas for an “Indy” party! 🙂
I love Ian!!!
Rudi looked so cute in his necklace of bones!!
It looks like everyone had a great time. I wish him the best and for you too.
They are so cute and precious at that age.
This just sounds like such a fun party. Your imagination just amazes me. Your theme was wonderful and you carried it out with such great detail. What a great party. Also, I wanted to let you know that we're going to have another Az. bloggers lunch. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage from Wisconsin is going to be here the end of Oct. and wants to meet everyone. The date is set up for Oct. 30th at Gooseberries. I would love it if you could come and we could all meet. You can email me at astrollthrulife@gmail.com. Thanks, hope to hear from you. Also if you know of any other Az. bloggers, I would love to know their names. Hugs, Marty
As usual, it looks wonderful! Wish we'd have been close enough to come over! You did you usual outstand job. And that husband of yours is, once again, such a good sport!
Oh my gosh! FABULOUS party! I loved it. Great great creative stuff for the kids to enjoy. I'll have to remember that one…maybe my little Dear Bebe will like Indiana Jones too! LOL. Fun post.
Girl…you are creative with the parties. I emailed my cousin the Alice in Wonderland party for her little girl. I'm going to save this party idea for my son. Love the food names and the games…and that table looks awesome!
What an awesome party! It looks like they had a lot of fun!
Very clever:) I don't dare show my girls or they will all want a party like that too. I try to steer them towards the girly stuff but somehow they like all the tough stuff!
Very well done birthday!
Oh Laura, what fun! Such a clever party, and you taught the children something too! This is a party they'll never forget. (I can't believe he was on t.v. right after he was born – destined for fame?) laurie
What a great party. You are so creative!! Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!!
Great party!! We wish we could have been there. Happy Birthday, proper, to that boy!!
love & hugs,
tara, eric & cousin maddie
Laura, This made me smile, and smile some more and I got choked up as I read all the details and commentary because I know what love and care you put into the party and the details and I'm sure Sweet Boy enjoyed it so much. Now he will treasure the memories forever. That party must have been so amazing for all those kids.You are a wonderful Mother to your kids and they are so Lucky to have you for their Mom. You have such a big heart and it always shows in all you do. Keep on being you as you can't ever go wrong.
Warm Regards, Karen
This is such a fun post! Starting with you and the adorable new born, both in stars! You see there always is hope! My kids are too big now, but that was just the way we celebrated their birthdays too. We even did mummy wrapping over here, once at a winter party (snowman wrapping) and once at a scary party! This post evokes so many happy memories. And a huge compliment to you Laura, as I know how much work this is. (and how rewarding too!) Enjoy the happy feelings afterwards and before I forget: happy birthday to your son!
My birthday is tomorrow….can you plan my party?
That was awesome!
How sweet. My boys are totally into Indiana Jones right now too. Even though they have never seen the movie. LOL!
Your party ideas are so clever. It makes me want to do an Indiana Jones day just for fun! Lisa~
Hey, It's E,Weissmueller from Orlando, Ann is helping me to check your blog, We've enjoyed it. Take care
I'm so excited to share your ideas with my sister in law. I have always created outrageous girl parties and am looking for boy parties for her! She will love this one!
Awwwww. Such a sweet story. And how fun is it that he got “screen time” at such a young age! You're a good agent. 🙂
Love the party theme, and love “Whips, Knives and Gunns” (tee hee hee 😉
What a beautiful baby boy! He looks like he's grown into a wonderful big boy! What a neat experience to have been on that broadcast and what a lovely thing to have said about your child. Yes, all children are our hope in the future.
The party looks like it was a hit. What a phenomenal party it looks like you gave!
~TattingChic ♥
What a fun party
What a very clever party! Happy Birthday to him!
wait – I love the story of his birth – what a star!!! you know my beloved aunt died the day before and her funeral was at 10 am 9/11 = you can imagine how NO ONE was thinking about my poor aunt that morning. well the Rabbi got up there and said – “today is a terrible day. What has happened in NYC is inconceivable – BUT we are here to mourn a passing and for the next 30 minutes, we will forget NYC and think about Janice and how much we will miss her, then, we will go back to our lives and NYC, but for now, let's honor Janice.” And you know, I think it really worked. we all just sat through that and then went back to our tvs when it was over. oh, and my dad's birthday – 9/11.
I think I remember seeing that news story! How cool is that? And the birthday party – WOW! Makes me want to be 8 again and join in on the fun. Love the tour guide getting hit with all the Q-tip darts. Too cute!