Easter Table Ideas, isn’t this a gorgeous Easter table? It is simple, yet elegant with the pristine white cloth.
Easter Table Ideas
I love to add individual floral arrangements to each setting. It is so personal and makes a great parting gift for your guests. This is also a good time to take out all of your spring knick knacks and scatter them whimsically across the table.
Here is another great table setting idea. Provide each guest with their own chocolate rabbit. I know Martha probably made her own using antique molds, but my name is Laura and I bought mine at the Dollar Store.
A few posts ago I showed you how I tied Easter corsages to the backs of my chairs, but I liked this idea of small baskets filled with chocolates.

I would love to recreate this table for an Easter brunch.

Since I need eggs for a breakfast casserole, I may carefully crack the shell, wash it out, nestle the shells in our silver napkin rings and add a pink tulip. You could also drill a hole in a plastic egg.

Everything is just beautiful! I especially like the feather tree. I’ve been wanting to get one of those and have not done it as yet. Yours look great. You did a very nice job of decorating for such a wonderful holiday!
Goodmorning Laura! My name is Roxanne and I too will be buying my chocolate bunnies @ the Dollar General!:-) Love the ideas and can’t wait to start in! I am always challenged with the fact of never knowing exactly how many are coming until it is time to eat. I just may try to make some calls and actually make them “commit”. I so enjoy your insight you share with us! Please please never stop!>Blessings>Roxanne
Wow, I love it all, that’s the loveliest table setting I’ve seen! I do love the red dishes too, but the polka dots are fabulous!! Happy Easter to you and your family!!>Hugs,>Margaret B
Beautiful inspiration. We’re going away for Easter so I’m not thinking about how to decorate and what to serve. I sort of miss it.>>Enjoy spring and Easter hope!>>Lorrie
Laura you did it again. So beautiful, everything. Years ago we had an Easter tree when we lived in a old 1918 farm house. That house lent itself to all those romantic, vintage decorations. The kids were young & it was so special. My mother has always set a gorgeous Easter table & collects beautiful bunnies & eggs. What fun memories. >Wish you & your family Easter blessings. &heart;
Thanks for inspiring me, I’m now plotting my own Easter brunch.
hey Laura so much pretty goodness….
Your table is every bit as beautiful as the ones you shared from the magazines and I like you even better than Martha anyway 😉>>hugs,>rue
Absolutely beautiful Laura. You inspire me to want to do the same. Unfortunately, I won’t have a house full of family and friends but I think it’s fun even for the two of us. Now where do I start?….
Fabulous, Laura!>I love all your treasures, especially the German ones.>Thanks for visiting, too, and for your sweet comments!>Monica.
I love your dining room set up!
Your decor never fails to astound me. I think there ought to be a home decor publication or coffee table book {a la Martha} called Living Laura!
I love the flowers you have in each place setting. They look lovely!
Very pretty. I like how you gave each of your guests a tulip on their plate.
Drilling a hole in eggs is a genius idea! I love the look!
I love your table. I didn’t think of using a runner. Oh, such a good idea! I will need to get my from the linen closet.
Awww, the little bunny boy and girl are so cute! Everything looks so nice on your table! 🙂 Those bunnies from Germany are really neat! I’ve never seen ones like those.>>All the best,>Allison
Love the chocolate bunny placesetting. So simple yet so cool. And very economical – especially from the dollar store. 🙂
Wow! Gorgeous! >>Love the look of your Easter table and all of the ideas. >>We’re traveling today and tomorrow, so I’ll barely have time to get things ready on Saturday as we’re having a family get-together on Saturday as well at my parents’ house next door. But somehow it will all come together. I did finish up the Easter baskets today and have had my decorations up for a while now. I’ll try to make the table a pretty scene on Sunday.
Everything is just beautiful. I love the little Easter tree. Happy Easter to you and your family!
great photos! thanks for sharing!>Jill
Love the ideas! Yours all look so cute. You look like you are completely ready. I hope that you have a Wonderful Easter!>>*hugs*
But of course you have a lovely table! We are going to the in-laws for Easter dinner this year… Kinda miss the whole table scape thing. 🙁>>I will definitely stop by on Friday:)>>~Liz
Laura! It is all completely lovely. Happy Easter to you and yours. Warmly, Cathy
Dear Laura,>I am so glad your name is Laura and not Martha! I love your easter pics – so many fabulous ideas. Outside eating is glorious – I hope you will share the picnic of 500.>The best treasures are the ones you collect and find along the highway of life, arent they? Ooh the fluffy tree is so adorable especially nestling in the straw. Clever, clever Laura. Happy Choclatey Easter!
Hi Sweet Laura:>>I just adore the little tree with all of your lovely treasures. Everything looks so pretty!>>Happy Bunny Day!>>Love,>LuLu~*xoxo
Laura,>You are so talented and your table is stunning! Cindy
I always love visiting you, Laura.>This post, like all of your posts, is filled with ways to infuse our lives with beauty.>Thank you for sharing your vision of the world with us.>>xo>Brooke
Laura, this turned out beautiful I love how you made it look special for your family. Hope your Easter is blessed.>Debbie
Such lovely ideas and a lovely table of your own! Deb
All the pictures look great! I love it!
My Mom used to make an Easter tree with a tree branch and colored eggs. I think her eggs where plastic but cut her some slack – she had a baby and a toddler in the house who coudn’t keep their hands off her Easter decorations. Not that I’m admitting to anything….
* What a joy to read and view, Laura… just soooo lovely! Thank you! Linda *
Thanks for the inspiration. Happy Easter!
Your table looks fabulous Laura and I just love all your treasures.>>Have a happy Easter with your family and friends.>>Hugs>Carolyn
Your table is beautiful! Thank you for all the inspiring ideas. I needed a couple of new ones!
What a beautiful blog you have. It is gorgeous! >Happy Easter! I will return..>Mona
Love all your great ideas. Such a pretty table.Really like the idea of the tulip in the egg, in the napkin ring. “Happy Easter”. Deb
Beautiful Table , Laura..>A blessed Easter..
Everything is lovely. Happy Easter and thanks for stopping by my blog.>Maryrose
I love your Easter table & all the other inspirations that you showed us. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment. It means a lot to me. Have a very Happy Easter!!!
GREAT ideas! Happy Easter!
Such a pretty Easter Table! And lovely inspirations