I hesitated to share these scalloped valances I made for our master bathroom. They were my very first attempt at scallops and I think my last. But, life isn’t perfect and it’s good to have a reality check every now and again.
New Scalloped Linen Valances for the Master Bathroom
My bathroom windows have only had blinds hanging up for the past year while I decided what type of window coverings I wanted. The bathroom is a bit tricky in that there is no actual door to the bathroom, just an archway. This is typical in 98% of Arizona homes. I have NO idea why.
So, without a bathroom door, the window treatments needed to coordinate with the master bedroom bedding and drapery.
I wanted the bathroom to feel soothing and relaxing so additional gingham and floral was out.
Believe it or not even after slipcovering a huge bergère chair and ottoman and stool for the vanity I still had antique French sheeting fabric left over.
Since I share the space with the Mr. I thought that the hemp braid (found at a local discount fabric store) would give the valances a bit more of a masculine feel. I used a simple bread plate to trace the scallop shape onto the fabric.
When creating valances you simply measure the window across and then determine the length you desire. It is a matter of then just sewing a rectangle (or in some cases a square) of your window’s measurements.
I sewed two separate rectangles due to the fabric I had to work with and because I wanted to add the hemp trim. One of the rectangles had a scalloped hem and the other was just a straight rectangle. Here is in essence the three separate pieces being joined together. The hemp is sandwiched between the two linen layers.
Lots of pins and being slow and steady results in a nice straight seam.
The valance boards are simply scrap lumber that was covered in muslin. “L” brackets (found at the hardware store) are then attached by drilling a hole and adding screws to the board and then the wall.
This shot was taken with me standing in the bathtub so it’s a bit of an awkward angle but gives you a good idea of what it looks like. I opted to position the board first so that I could use it as a reference for depth and hemming. It came down to attaching the fabric quite easily.
Here is the fabric valance laying flat. The scallops have such character and charm! (So she tells herself. )
Living in Arizona, the sun can be brutal, so I opted to sew in a lining.
Not wanting to go to the store for more fabric I just opened up the side seam of a vintage pillowcase and sewed the two rectangles together. But you certainly could use purchased linen or muslin.
You then just simply staple the fabric to the board. There are various methods for folding in the corners. I simply squared it off. (Please note that this is was a 2 person job with me pulling and folding the fabric while Mr. Décor did the stapling.)
I had to make a total of two as we have another tiny window in the water closet area. It’s a tiny space so again photography was tricky. My apologies.
They do look nice with the vanity stool that also shares this space.
We can easily move these with us or even take them apart in the future to make something else.
Total cost for the valances~ under $5 (for the brackets and trim).
I love how your valances turned out, Laura! The braid is perfect and love the scallops.
Mary Alice
Laura, I really LOVE these. That antique fabric is gorgeous, and the braid is a perfect addition. I'm not a seamstress, so if it isn't perfect, you'd never prove it by me. 🙂 I think this looks so nice with your bedroom fabrics and with the covered stool for your vanity. Great job, my friend!
Denise at Forest Manor
Beautiful!!! They are so elegant. Your stitching is so perfect. That takes a lot of patience and a very steady hand.
Thanks for sharing your tips and decorating touches. I am trying to figure out what to put up in our bathroom and this post was definitely inspiring. 🙂
Love the valances, they look fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Great job, Laura! I love it. Love the fabric in your bedding and drapes, too.
These are very pretty and you did an awesome job.
Great job, Laura. I like the tailored, finished look of the braid & lining, and the scallop adds that touch of femininity to tie (no pun intended) the stool together for the overall look.
So pretty and I do think that along with the stool they just make the space. Yep I know. Stupid having no door on a bathroom!
Hope you feel better today.
I like how you take on a project and tackle it , head on!
“It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful”.
It's beautiful!
It looks great! I love the linen.
I think a missing bathroom door on the master is only on newer homes with toilet closets. I use to live in California and homes were like that too. The first time I saw it was in the mid 80s when my friend's father had a new home built. I remember thinking it was so strange to see the bathroom from the bedroom, and I didn't like it.
On the home I had before this old home, I hung drapes over the entrance. The builder charges way too much to frame it out for a door, but one could do it for less if they were handy.
Another pretty perfect project Laura!!!! I'm thinking of making something similar for my kitchen windows, great tutorial dear, now, if I could only sew…. 😉
Very classically beautiful Laura!
The Arts by Karena
I think they look beautiful!!!!!!
Looking good. I do like it with the chair. We have a plantation shutter ordered for our front door….I can't wait!!
I think you did an excellent job – it's lovely! I would never even attempt to make anything like this.
That looks so pretty Laura!!
Those look very nice, Laura! Great job!
We're in that 98% too with no bathroom door, just an arch. My daughter put a curtain on the inside of hers and it looks nice… It doesn't really bother me, even when Hubby gets up at O-Dark-thirty for a flight.
I love your project… I think it looks amazing! I need to make a valance for my kitchen as I can't find anything I like!
Thanks for the inspiration!
.Rainey @ The Project Table
Love that valance Laura! Scallops are the best!
I would love to sew as beautifully as you, Laura. Your bedroom is gorgeous. xo
Your valances are beautiful! We always see the little imperfections, but no one else does. Try to see them as others do – and enjoy your creations! 🙂
Kim @ Curtain Queen Creates
These are so pretty. I just got my machine tuned up which was pricey compared to the last time. Can't wait to have a project. Think of you often. Hugs, Karen
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I wish I could sew! Your projects always turn out great. And if it makes you feel any better, I'm so lazy I probably would not have even put up curtains. I mean, it has blinds, right?:) Looks awesome.
I think your scallops are so pretty! You did a fabulous job! And I love how it coordinates with your lovely bedroom. Well done!!!!
Well I'm impressed! It really gives a nice look to the window.
Your scalloped valance is so pretty. Do you mind if I use your idea for my tiny bathroom too? I have been trying to think of something pretty for mine.
I think it's a great valance! I've been sick with a cold too!!! Still have the cough, but feeling better as I hope you are too!
Hi Laura! Oh, I think you did a great job on your scallops. The window covering looks so nice. I'm just in love with your beautiful bedding and your drapes in your bedroom too!
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Looks perfect to me! 🙂