I adore chocolate. That is not a secret to anyone who knows me. While in France I made some wonderful Moelleux au Chocolat (chocolate lava cake). It was a bit of heaven when paired with the local fresh red raspberries. Here is how to make Moelleux au Chocolat et Casseroles de Cuivre Chocolate Lava Cakes and Copper Cookware.
Moelleux au Chocolat et Casseroles de Cuivre
Now you know how I love my copper! I wrote a post devoted entirely to the subject matter HERE.
Copper Dreams
I had hoped to find an antique copper kettle on my trip and my friend Guy sweetly made sure that I was able to purchase my hearts desire. I also learned that any good French chef worth their Brittany sea salt would also have a cul de poule (kull dee pool) available in their arsenal of tools. So I brought a 100 year old beauty home with me. Not only do I love saying “cul de poule” but I encourage you to translate the literal meaning of the words. It will crack you up. (No egg puns intended.)
Recipe for Moelleux auChocolat
Ingredients to make six servings
- 10 tablespoons (1 1/4 stick) butter
- 8 oz of semi sweet or dark chocolate (I used the Green and black brand)
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (a bit more if you like it sweeter)
- 3 large eggs
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Optional: 2 tablespoons orange liqueur
How to Make It:
Preheat oven to 425°F
1. Melt chocolate on low flame in a bain-marie (double boiler). When melted, remove from heat and
3. In another bowl, beat eggs and sugar, until it starts to whiten.
4. Stir in melted chocolate and then the flour.
6. Cook for about 12~14 minutes.
7. Tip ramekins upside down onto dessert plates and serve.

These are wonderful and YUMMY to that dish! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I have fallen completely in love with your blog! I love your cooking/awesome pans, the post on Brittany and your ode to Oprah stirred in me a similar sentiment. I know it sounds cliche, but she changed my life (I have to write about that!). The Brittany Blue…that is one of my favorite things in the world. Yes, I'm living in Italy and it's a dream, but I love France, too. Luckily they share so much in common, like amazing paint shades!!! I will email you some of the details of our crazy journey here. Until then, know that you are simply amazing! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you have done with your life–I come from VERY humble beginnings (orphan–lost my Mom at 3) and I am grateful for every single blessing in my life. We have much in common.
Lana In Italy
These look absolutely scrumptious. (I think I gained five pounds watching your wonderful tutorial and reading the ingredients!) I hope Metis stocks some kitchen products. I.m also admiring your sweet measuring spoons.
Your Friend,
That looks so good. It's just after 6 am here in Idaho. Is it too early for chocolate???
Susan and Bentley
Yum! Love lava cakes, and yours look so good! Nothing quite like eating rich chocolate desserts(or fresh butter) while in France. Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous! And I love the video tutorials! Thank you!
I love chocolate too!
Oh, lava cakes – would it be awful if I made them for breakfast?
These sound fantastic! Talk about chocolate overload.
I'd like to invite you to link-up with Sweet Tooth Friday. I hope to see you there. http://alli-n-son.com/2011/05/26/lemon-chocolate-cupcakes/
Oh. My. Word. These look heavenily
Looks lovely! I got a huge copper kettle in Paris! I love it – I have a great copper collection but I need to have some of them re-tinned before I can use them.
This chocolate is killing me – 6 months pregnant and all!
That recipe seems quite easy, so it is possible I could do that!!!I love chocolate!!!!I would love a old bronze pot or tea kettle. You are a lucky lady to have found one!!!
Have a great weekend
Laura MERCI ME HOW FANTASTIQUE it looks wonderful i may have to try making this!
thankyou for your comments yes i think ive had a strong link with Paris one way and another all my life and always will do on so many levels and as much as I love London Paris fits with it perfectly for me have a great weekend fay xxx
That whets my appetite, for sure. Looks scrump-dilly-ishsusm, Laura. TY for sharing.
Hope all is well with you & your family.
Have a lovely & safe holiday weekend.
Oh, that looks fabulous. I think you will live, I ate raw batter my whole life growing up! Yep, my brother and I each got a beater
I see your followers are gone also, hope they fix it soon!
Laura oh my this is probably my favorite desert and to think that you and Andrea made this in France!!
I am loving your recounts and images!! So happy that you found your perfect copper pot!
Art by Karena
I'm not a big chocolate fan, but that looks delish to me!!
xo Cathy
Yes, I need a taste button, and a slobber wiping button, as well. Yum! I love your blog. You always have the most fun posts. And the poppies post is most sobering, and reverent! I guess these days, the meaning of Memorial Day, is most relevant.
Take care,
You don't need that taste button, the deliciousness comes right through the screen! As always you have educated, entertained and made us laugh all in one post. Yay for raw batter-eaters! (Yes, I know it's not healthy, it just sooooo hard to not do) Ann